Johari Window Bonus Post

--Original published at Site Title

My Johari Window was somewhat surprising. Several of the traits I selected for myself were also chosen by the others who contributed. Positive traits which I did not attribute myself with were selected multiple times. I learned that I am kind and compassionate towards others, even if I do not know them well. This was news to me because I often feel as though I am harsh towards others, especially my friends. The Johari Window may not be an accurate measurement of personality, as outward personality could be exaggerated or falsified.

<table style=”text-align:center;border-spacing:0px; border-collapse:collapse;”> <tr><td style=”border:1px solid #000;padding:4px;width:50%;vertical-align:top;background:#ccf”> <h2 style=”margin:0px”>Arena</h2>

(known to self and others)

<p> <span style=”color:#00007F”>accepting</span>, <span style=”color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold”>sympathetic</span></p></td><td style=”border:1px solid #000;padding:4px;width:50%;vertical-align:top;background:#fcc”> <h2 style=”margin:0px”>Blind Spot</h2>

(known only to others)

<p> <span style=”color:#BF0000; font-weight:bold”>caring</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>cheerful</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>confident</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>energetic</span>, <span style=”color:#7F0000″>extroverted</span>, <span style=”color:#BF0000; font-weight:bold”>friendly</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>helpful</span>, <span style=”color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold”>intelligent</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>knowledgeable</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>logical</span>, <span style=”color:#7F0000″>loving</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>modest</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>nervous</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>organised</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>powerful</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>self-assertive</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>silly</span>, <span style=”color:#7F0000″>tense</span>, <span style=”color:#3F0000″>warm</span></p></td></tr><tr><td style=”border:1px solid #000;padding:4px;width:50%;vertical-align:top;background:#cfc”> <h2 style=”margin:0px”>Façade</h2>

(known only to self)

<p> adaptable, dependable, mature</p></td><td style=”border:1px solid #000;padding:4px;width:50%;background:#ccc”> <h2 style=”margin:0px”>Unknown</h2>

(known to nobody)

<p style=”font-size:0.8em”> able, bold, brave, calm, clever, complex, dignified, giving, happy, idealistic, independent, ingenious, introverted, kind, observant, patient, proud, quiet, reflective, relaxed, religious, responsive, searching, self-conscious, sensible, sentimental, shy, spontaneous, trustworthy, wise, witty</p></td></tr></table> <h2>Dominant Traits</h2><p><b>66%</b> of people think that Scroopie Noopers is <b>intelligent</b><br></p><h3>All Percentages</h3><p><span style=”color:#888″>able (0%)</span> <b>accepting</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>adaptable (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>bold (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>brave (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>calm (0%)</span> <b>caring</b> (50%) <b>cheerful</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>clever (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>complex (0%)</span> <b>confident</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>dependable (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>dignified (0%)</span> <b>energetic</b> (16%) <b>extroverted</b> (33%) <b>friendly</b> (50%) <span style=”color:#888″>giving (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>happy (0%)</span> <b>helpful</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>idealistic (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>independent (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>ingenious (0%)</span> <b>intelligent</b> (66%) <span style=”color:#888″>introverted (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>kind (0%)</span> <b>knowledgeable</b> (16%) <b>logical</b> (16%) <b>loving</b> (33%) <span style=”color:#888″>mature (0%)</span> <b>modest</b> (16%) <b>nervous</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>observant (0%)</span> <b>organised</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>patient (0%)</span> <b>powerful</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>proud (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>quiet (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>reflective (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>relaxed (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>religious (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>responsive (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>searching (0%)</span> <b>self-assertive</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>self-conscious (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>sensible (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>sentimental (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>shy (0%)</span> <b>silly</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>spontaneous (0%)</span> <b>sympathetic</b> (33%) <b>tense</b> (33%) <span style=”color:#888″>trustworthy (0%)</span> <b>warm</b> (16%) <span style=”color:#888″>wise (0%)</span> <span style=”color:#888″>witty (0%)</span> </p>

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 15.11.2017, using data from 6 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view Scroopie Noopers’s full data.

Johari Window Blog

--Original published at Site Title

Our psychology class recently did a project where we created a Johari Window. Basically, you select 5 to 6 traits from this wall of about 40 that you think describe yourself the best. You then send it to other people and have them do the same. At the end, you have an idea of what people think of you. Selecting the traits that best describe myself was a weird process. It really made me look myself in the mirror and to be honest, it was a lot harder to see that I imagined. I wanted to pick traits that I believed described me but also that other people would believe described me. The results actually surprised me a little. I had ruled out some traits that I thought described me because I did not think others would feel the same way. As it turned out, when everyone else filled out my window, those traits that I had previously ruled out were the most popular ones. It was eye opening and it made me happy to know that people saw me as I thought I saw myself. I also felt a little stupid for doubting myself in the first place. This project taught me to believe in myself a little more and that I do a pretty good job of actually being the type of person I want to be. I’m not sure how valid of a test this is. Sometimes, people could just pick “good” traits and not actually reflect who someone actually is. When done properly though, it gives a really cool perspective. Despite what a lot of people, including myself, may say, we care about what others think. The Johari Window is a good tool to show that.

Johari Window Bonus Prompt

--Original published at Kevin Psych Blog

This was a pretty interesting experience, I always enjoy seeing what people think about me. I guess I was a little surprised in how little I had similar responses with people, only one person ended up putting one of the same answers I selected, and it was one I figured a lot of my friends would put about me as a major part of my personality. I was definitely surprised with some of the answers people did give too, like organized and introverted, things that most people who know me would never say about me. I’m not sure if I would say this is a valid way to measure your personality though. It’s more of a better way to figure out how you come across to other people, as everyone can have different experiences with you which would lead them to putting different answers. Maybe to some people you’re quiet and others you’re loud, etc. One thing I suppose I kind of learned about myself was how I organize my desk. I guess I always knew it but I never consciously acknowledged it, but after asking a friend why they put organized when most people know I’m the opposite, she told me she had noticed that when I sit at a desk I have specific places I put things, which I thought was a kind of interesting observation. Other than that I didn’t have any big life changing answers that really made me look inward at myself.

Johari Window-Bonus Post

--Original published at Site Title

Doing the Johari Window was a great way to see what others thought of you. Frankly, I was shocked by the characteristics people picked for me. The most shocking trait that multiple people picked was extroversion. To me, I am a total introvert. I would definitely rather be by myself than surrounded by people looking at me. I feel most calm when I am by myself. I guess some people didn’t know that about me. The highest trait that was picked for me was intelligence. I wouldn’t say that I am not intelligent, but that was not one of the traits I picked for myself. The second highest trait people picked for me was caring. I would say that I am caring as well but there were only so many traits you could pick for this exercise. It was interesting to see what traits individuals picked based on their relationship with me. My sister and my mom said that I was an introvert because those are the people that know me best. They know I’d rather be by myself than have all eyes on me. But from a person who doesn’t know me very well, they might assume I feed off of other people’s energy. I think the Johari Window is a pretty good measurement of personality. It’s good to see what others think of you because you might posses traits that you never thought about having before someone brought it to your attention. I think it gets you thinking about who you are and how people perceive you. Its a great way to find out what others think of you, I would recommend it to everyone.

Johari Window

--Original published at Em

This experience was quite interesting. I was surprised my friends and family thought similar things about me as I did. The characteristics I picked were adaptable
dependable, independent, reflective, and logical. I found it hard to select five to six characteristics.

I do agree with statements made in class that personality tests are mainly reductive. I felt I could relate to a lot of the other qualities but they did not define me. For example I am organized but that is not more important than dependable. I felt this test was subjective to whatever the person rating the other person felt was important. For example I have a friend who is very religious and rated me as religious. I do go to church but I would not say that is one of my top five Johari Windows. Obviously if they are filing out your Johari window they have ties to you in some way and appreciate some aspect of you. 

It was very interesting to see what everyone thought compared to what I thought. There were a lot of synonyms that described what I selected. 72% of people thought I was independent and intelligent.  No one agreed with me that I am logical. Some characteristics that surprised me were spontaneous and complex.

I feel this exercise could have gained validity if the people rating the characteristics identity was protected. I feel since the person knew their results would be apparent to all they only selected positive things and could have looked at previous ratings.

Week 12 First Impression

--Original published at Site Title

I’ve always been a very outspoken an opinionated person and I enjoyed taking these tests about things that are controversial. I tried to pick topics that I felt strongly about just to see what my stance actually was according to someone else. I chose to take one on sexuality and one on race. I wasn’t a fan of the sections where you had to use the ‘i’ and ‘e’ keys and match them to the corresponding letters and pictures that would flash on the screen. On top of that, they told you to do it as fast as you could and I thought it was more of a “remember the keys and just click through as fast as you can” test rather than one about my opinion. I am an anxious and jumpy person so when I tried to go fast like they said, I would accidentally click the wrong one. I don’t think they could base my opinion on what keys I clicked and I don’t really see how that contributed to my overall opinion. But I did like the other questions that they asked since they were very straight forward. The results that I got were in the general ball park of my opinion but they weren’t entirely accurate. I think that these tests are both good and bad. A person can take these and get exposed to the content and the different controversial issues but I don’t think that these are very reliable and that people should use these to base all of their beliefs off of.

First Impression: Social Psychology

--Original published at Site Title

Leon Festinger developed theories on Cognitive dissonance. This is when there are conflicting attitudes or beliefs, which causes discomfort, there is alteration of an attitude or belief to reduce the discomfort. Festinger discovered this theory from doing a research that involves students doing a boring task. Then students were then asked to tell the next person that the tasks/study was not boring at all. For lying, the students were given either one dollar or twenty dollars. The student who was paid twenty dollars to lie didn’t make the study seem as fun as the person who was only paid a dollar. Why is that you ask? The person who was paid twenty dollars knows the task was dull but also knows that he had sufficient justification for lying, hence there is no cognitive dissonance. The person who was paid a dollar, on the other hand, knows that he did not have sufficient justification to lie. This makes the person who was only paid a dollar uncomfortable. To reduce discomfort, the person alters his or her opinion of the task so that they are not lying to anyone. Festinger believes anytime there is an insufficient reward, there will be dissonance.

I don’t think cognitive dissonance is a bad thing that we should avoid, but I think everyone should know about. In elementary school, my parents used to reward me for every five points I made in a basketball, I would receive money for it. It actually put more pressure on me to make more points and it didn’t work in my favor. I would become really nervous and it would affect my shot selection and my performance. When they didn’t give me a reward for how many points I made, I enjoyed playing more, I had fun and I wasn’t stressing. I think it is good to know about cognitive dissonance just to see if you can try and catch yourself altering your opinion of something when you are put in an uncomfortable situation.



First Impression Week 12 Prompt 2

--Original published at Kevin Psych Blog

If I am understanding exactly what cognitive dissonance is properly, I would have to say the most notable change that occurred in me was when I was twelve years old. At the time I was incredibly religious, my whole life revolved around my religion. At the same time however, I held a lot of socially left wing views (my support for legalizing gay marriage was the most important in this case). I had a few atheist friends at the time who would frequently talk to me about the topic of religion, and eventually one of them brought up the contradictions between my personal beliefs and what my religion would have me think. I had somehow never read the bible up to this point and was unaware of most of the specific things it said until I started debating with these new atheist friends. He showed me verses that went against everything I believed politically and I had to choose whether I would stick to my morals or my religion and I chose my morals.

I can easily say that changing your beliefs due to cognitive dissonance is a very good thing to do. It would be ridiculous to just cherry pick your beliefs and choose to ignore certain aspects of contradicting ideas so that you can live in your secure bubble. It’s important for your growth as a human to closely examine and scrutinize the things you believe and say, and make sure they match up properly, doing so might be uncomfortable at times and may force you to rethink the world but I believe that’s just an important part of life.

Bonus Post: Johari Window

--Original published at Site Title

It wasn’t easy for me to pick 5-6 traits I thought strongly described me or applied to myself.  I confidently chose about 4 and the other two I saw myself as occasionally but not on a consistent basis.  There were so many traits to choose from that it felt a bit overwhelming, however I did manage to narrow it down to dependable, intelligent, kind, organized, trustworthy, and logical.  To my surprise many people viewed me the same way I viewed myself with the exception of being logical.  Apparently in the end I consisted of 25 of the traits according to my friends and my family. 60% of the 10 people pinned me as caring which I did not pick for myself, but it is very similar to kind which I chose. My next highest percentage was energetic, dependable, and mature at 40%.  I was surprised to see energetic on there and that so many people thought of me consisting of this trait.  Spontaneous is one some picked that I was shocked by, I don’t consider myself this at all. I am very stick by the book and follow the rules kind of girl,  but I guess to others I have a little wild and adventurous side too?

I think its great to see how others view me however the list had no negative traits like lazy, annoying, grumpy, etc.  Also the people picking your traits aren’t going to pick the bad because they know you are going to see it.  People may feel uncomfortable choosing what they actually think suits you because they fear you may not like the answer. The test may accurately access what your friend “want you” to think how they view you, but they may realistically view you quite differently. This test would have worked better if individuals go to type in 6 traits they thought of you instead of choosing from a list.


Option 1

--Original published at Site Title

I took the sexuality and age IAT tests. I do not think the tests provide accurate results. Half of the questions in both tests were exactly the same. The other half of the tests consisted of choosing between categories. Most of them were unrelated. The generalization of the results was vague and seemingly random. The tests were tedious to complete. They were poorly constructed and unimaginative. The results were too vague to be surprising. I do not have any further opinions of my results. I do not believe that these test will be useful for college students.