Chapter 1 Propmt

--Original published at Chey's Blog

I have always been interested in psychology. I intend to be an art therapist after I graduate. My research question is associated with that. Would a patient making art help to bring forth repressed memories more than talk therapy? My hypothesis is that both art and talk therapy would have relatively similar outcomes without one surpassing the other. I think that types of therapy work better depending on the individual, but I would like to find out if that is true or not. I would start by finding trauma patients. In that pool of patients I would have a random selection. I think that the outcome would be better if I had a random selection of those patients. I would then do four tests with each patient. I suppose I could do more tests, but I feel that four tests would provide me with a good amount of information to form a conclusion. Two of those tests would be with talk therapy and two of them would be with art therapy. If these patients already have a psychologist I would have their psychologist conduct a session while I sat and observed. I think comfort levels of the patients would also help with collecting correct data. I would then observe the patient’s ability to recall repressed memories when using both types of therapy. Observing the behavior of the patients as well as how they respond when questioned about their memories would be the way that I collect my data. I would then record the results and come to my conclusion. Then I would have my work peer reviewed to insure that my data is correct.

Introduction Post

--Original published at Chey's Blog

Hello everyone! My name is Cheyenne and I chose to take this class because I’m fascinated with cognitive psychology. I really enjoy studying the mind and the way it works so psychology is one of my majors along with studio art. I took college level psychology courses in high school and did a little studying on my own as well. When I think of the word psychology I think of the study of the mind and behaviors. Cognitive and moral development and personality theory seem to be the most interesting topics in my mind. The scientific method, obedience, and power of the situation seem the least interesting to me. The one question I would like to have answered by the end of this class is: what is the best way to treat mental illness in others?