
--Original published at Emily Easter TA's blog

Hi!! My name is Emily Easter. I am a senior Psychology major and Human Services Minor, and I am also the TA for Dr. MacFarlane’s PSY105 General Psychology class.

As a senior, I have taken many psychology courses, including Intro to Psych, Psychopathology, Emotion, Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology, Intelligence and Creativity, Statistics, and more. This semester I will also be conducting my own research, which involves Political Psychology. Last semester I had an internship in Lancaster City at a recreational community center for adults with mental illness.

The topics of this class that spark the most interest for me are sleep, emotion, and psychotherapy, which makes sense, as my ultimate goal is to become a psychotherapist.

I am looking forward to a great semester and working with all of you to broaden our knowledge of the field of psychology!