
--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

Many people are victims of peer pressure everyday. This seems to be a climbing issue in todays society, sen at all ages or life. Peer pressure is given into to what others do and how they act, just to feel as sense of belonging. Following with what the majority is doing, just to not be left behind. It is almost impossible to escape peer pressure, or so it feels as it is right infront of you, tempting to control how and what you do. it is a social  influence and is connected to acceptance. Peer pressure is not just confined to the idea of doing things you wouldn’t do, it carries many factors and different group this issue can effect.

Teenagers are one of the biggest group that peer prose is thought to effect. They are the age that most things begin and change and settle in your life, going from a child to a young adult. While you are trying to find who you really are, there will be things that you will or will not do. Not everyone follows the same life rules, and this introduces peer pressure. Doing new things and trying what works and doesn’t work for your life. Teenagers are influenced heavily by the outside world. Social factors like clothing and hair styles, music , social media, and various other thing cloud and form a persons judgment and. personal feelings toward life and how they want or feel as if they should be living it. It is important for teens to find a balance, between outside life like school and friends in addition to their home life. Depending on whether or not you give into peer pressure or how much you do, you can potentially lose who you were before and turn into something you are not. In school and other teenage environments, this is where temptation to try new things and test your limits will arise. Understanding how to access a situation and the potential decisions you can make and how it will affect you both short and long term is very important. Taking risks every once is=n awhile is not bad, but if you are doing various things that you wouldn’t before, just because of outside influence, this is peer pressure. Being self confident in yourself an the life you have is very important. Showing yourself self love and understanding that you do not have to change to be accepted. Saying no is easier said than done. It takes will power and strength to say no to something, especially if your friends or peers would like you to branch out. Peer pressure is a fact of your personal outer circle and environment, and you are in control of your decisions and actions. conforming inot something you are not is a greats issue and result of peer pressure. Feeling a sense of social solidarity and union to one another makes you feel normal as well as powerful. Looking for approval and seeking things from a different lifestyle are all connected to the idea of pressure on teens.

College students are another huge group that is subjected to possibility of peer pressure. This is one of the biggest populations in the world. At this age you are also trying to find who you are, becoming an adult and living without parent rules and influence. This allows you to wonder and try new things you may not have before during your teen or childhood years. You are entering a new realm or world, nothing that you have experienced before. living amongst other young adults your age, forming different relationships and acting in ways you see others around you. Making your own decisions and being responsible for yourself with nobody else worrying if you are okay or not is the biggest change from coming from high school years and staying at home to living on a college campus. One of the biggest things a college student can learn is to assess a situation quickly and decide if its a no go or if it is a smart idea for you to stay and partake in the activities happening around you. Saying no to your peers can be very challenging. Feeling as if you will be judged for not participating in what your friends are doing can really influence soemones decisions. The pressure to fit in and conform to the same actions and behaviors surrounding ones self is very challenging to dismiss. Believing in yourself and possessing self esteem and confidence is also important to have during your college years. A lot of college kids test the limits. Trying different drugs, drinking alcohol and going out to parties with the rest of your campus can be quite tempting. Doing what others do around you and conforming to the “norms” college has set is pressure, without it even being said. Social influence is the biggest factor of potentially feeling peer pressured into something. Facing college shows you so many new things it can be overwhelming. Being away from home and not having parental influence on the decisions you ae able to make for yourself, give you a new found sense of power. Having to make designs for yourself and not having to ask for permission is a great deal to young adults. Freedom to a child is important yet very different from going from highschool and living at home with rules to going to college with absolutely no rules and you are responsible for yourself, how you act, and your life success. Boundaries are still there, yet a finer line. Finding a group of friends that lives closely or similar to the way you do or would like to lessons the potential peer pressure that you may succumb to.

One last group of individual that we do not usually think of undergoing or being tempted my peer pressure is parents. Parents face pressure everyday. A mother and father are judged greatly on ho their child behaves and does in the community. Being a successful child shows a parents success in how they raised you. Parenting skills and styles can be observed through the life of their child or children. The decisions that your child makes is a reflection of their parents and how they are taught. The amount you are involved in your childs life is also a huge factor. Parents are not just influenced by the community of other groups of parents, but even from their own children. Children have a hold on their parents as well. They are always wanting and hoping to please their children. Children look for their parents approval, but parents look for the same from their kids. Pleasing and satisfying them, making them happy and giving them whether need to succeed in life is a lot of pressure. Parents learn through experience. Nobody learns how to be a great parent over night. The outside of the community an the overall  society give you and guide you with direction. Peer pressure effects a variety of social groups.


Alexandra, Shawn Francine. “Peer Pressure: 9 Ways You Can Avoid as a Student.” College Life, College Life, 28 Dec. 2017,





Chapter 15 first impression post

--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

In the textbook we are given for this course, it lays out four different types of psychotherapies used during a mental illness patients care. These consist of behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic and humanistic. In my person opinion, I believe the method of therapy that works the best is cognitive. It allows someone to open up and learn about new things and gives someone different perspective view on things in life. It teaches patients something different and allows one to connect inside with their inner emotions and feelings. Having an outlet that I able to change the way you see things and give you an overall outlook on what is going on. Being able to hold different views and perspectives is essential to life. Being able to shift how you feel and embrace what you face is the best typeof therapy someone could receive.

The next method of therapy I would recommend or choose would be behavioral therapy, This type of therapy helps you weed out what you should and should not be doing. Giving you a perspective and  set of principles to follow in order to behave in an orderly manner. This type of therapy is very helpful in giving a person help with what parts of their demeanor they would like to focus on and channel. Being able to distinguish what behaviors suit your life. Also being able to help change your unwanted behaviors through this method is quite popular. Although that might take a longer time, I feel as if this is the second best h=therapy one can receive.

The next type of therapy I would choose to use would be psychodynamic therapy. This type of therapy involved various things. Being able to examine what  you are feeling inside and looking at the symptoms for your actions and what you are feeling. Helping a patient understand what they are experiencing and how to deal with every day situations more effectively. This method looks for complications in your life and gives you ways to fix or at least understand. It allows you to go over your past and even into your childhood years. Looking at connections to younger years of someones life and help them with current days. Childhood is a big impact on someones overall dynamic. It creates and molds you. Anything bad or traumatic that you have experienced can be spoke about and you may even learn from them. Connecting events from childhood to adulthood is one of the major things that this method of therapy does for someone. Being able to sort out past feeling and emotions will define the symptoms they have been experiencing and how to continue on.

The last method remaining that I would choose to use would be humanistic therapy. This is less likely to work with the ways it uses. The therapist excepts the patient to begin to change as soon as they tap into their feelings and emotions. This does not fix someones problems, but it allows one to speak about what and how they are feeling. Dilemmas in peoples lives do not just go away. They are still their inside you until you find a way to fully deal with it or let it go completely. Being able to get in touch with how you are really feeling is important to this method. Having a therapist open you up and have you speak about your personal self is hard for some. But for most people, being able to recognize your feelings does not create a drastic life change. It takes a lot of time for someone to figure their personal emotions out and how to deal with them. Although this method helps a person step by step,  I think that more is needed than just having humanistic therapy sessions.

Media Production project post

--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

Marisa Krinock

November 26, 2018

Professor MacFarlane

Media Production Assignment


Over an extensive period of time, researchers have pondered and looked for answers connected to the topic of A.D.H.D.. In this case, the research was focused on preschoolers as well as comparing and contrasting of brain scans of ones who do and do not possess attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This type of study carries a goal of creating a better understanding within data, research and results. Throughout the process of this study, it would be educational to parents in what to look for in their child’s, early childhood behavior.

This study started with a group of researchers, participants, a question, and an outline of the study about to be conducted. The senior author of this study, Dr. Mark Mahone, created this study to share knowledge to the public, identifying both the biological and behavioral differences seen through the early childhood of children. By observing this topic with his colleagues, they were able to complete a list of qualifications a child must possess to participate in the study, allowing families to benefit from the results in learning more about their child’s make up. Factors from other research and studies show data of changes occuring in the brain at a early stage of a child’s life.

Stemming from the department of neuropsychology at the Kennedy Krieger Institution in Baltimore, director Dr.Mahone as well as several of his colleagues began the basic of their study with advanced brain scans  on children. The age of the children ranged from 4 and 5 years olds. All of the children partaking in the study possessed similar societal components such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, I.Q., and established language ability and function. Keeping the children’s traits similar allows the researchers to focus on an alike group of individuals, controlling who participates. After the scans, the director as well as his colleagues were able to establish similarities and differences of the scan results. A total of 90 children received scans.This study used M.R.I. scans to conduct and find their results.  Of the 90, 52 of the children’s brain scan showed signs of A.D.H.D., and 38 did not. Of the one’s who did possess symptoms of A.D.H.D., the results were very mixed. Differences were mostly found in specific regions of the brain, and results even showed a popular result of a smaller brain overall.

An A.D.H.D. diagnoses for a child is made easier at a young age. Allowing parents to know what their child’s disorder is and how to grow and deal with it, having it affect them in the least harmful way possible. These “difference” are said to visible by the time a child reaches the age of 4 years old. Creating a study for a major disorder that seems to be growing in popularity gives the public knowledge on what to look for in connection to A.D.H.D..

Attention deficit hyperacttivity disorder is seen as to be a considerably normal development in young children due to various behaviors that connect with not only normal behaviors of a child but also are seen as factors of this disorder. Being able to pinpoint patterns in ones behavior creates data and may be watched to review any changes over time. This is a disorder that is very clearly developed and onset when a child is in their early childhood years. A.D.H.D. is categorized as a biological disorder. This is a disturbance of one’s genetic material connecting to the structure of ne overall. The study allowed certain patterns and behaviors to discover this. Not only that, but an explanations of the symptoms that many many children experience were revealed as the scans came to an end. Knowledge like this gives parents a sense of direction in what to look for as their child goes through early development.


While going through the process of writing another summary of the first research article I used, I have learned alot about this topic. Not only do i have a better understanding of A.D.H.D. as a whole, but am confident enough to say I could accurately write more about it. The amount of work that was done during this project gives you alot of time to review the material, making sure you don’t miss any key points through the text, relating back to the data and the looked over study itself. While doing this assignment, I kept the five critical questions in the back of my head as I reviewed the text again. The article seemed to answer the critical questions, some more detailed than others. The study was aimed at a select group of children, with elements and qualifications that needed to be met in order to partake in the testing. This showed a sense of control, making sure the children has similarities through all aspects of their early childhood years.The way the participants were chosen, as well as how they were was written quite clearly. It was directed toward a specific age group in order to produce results, seeing the similarities and differences in each brain scan. The variables of this test were laid out in terms in which anyone would be able to accurately interpret them.

As I was summarizing the first research article, I did not feel the need to overwrite about details connecting to the study, in which I felt this author did. They were a few parts in the text where the information felt repetitive and seemed to be said multiple times, just in different wording. It was a little complicated trying to find what you think is most important to use in a summary because overall you are just generalizing all of the information and data given to you. In the summary I wrote, I tried to stick to the main point the test was trying to get across, not allowing any room for possible wrong interpretation or wandering questions. Being able to step inside the shoes of a journalist had its difficulties, but overall the main goal is to find the most informative and correct aspects of the research infront of you. Being able to not just understand what you are reading, but being able to find the key aspects of the article overall. I have learned from being a journalists throughout all three of these assignments, that authors write how they want their work to be interpreted. Making the reading grab your attention and have you focus on different aspects of the article as your personal interest in what you are reading will continue to grow. This opens people up to the topic, and hopefully interests them enough to look deeper into the content. Keeping the information direct and focused, but at the same time not limiting the future audience of who will read or be interested in the article is something that I believe is very important in journalism. Allowing an individual to learn about a topic while incorporating main ideas and key points of the study and research, this is what journalism is all about.


spotlight #2 – stress

--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

I chose to look into the management of stress through online sources for this post

The first website I looked into was how stress connects to the lives of athletes and how athletes can find better and effective ways to cop with their stress. This article provided a method and seen to help young athletes reduce stress went by an acronym, P.E.R.F.E.C.T.. This method was created to calm performance anxiety, which overall leads to a better quality of performance.  Athletes are constantly under pressure and carrying a lot on their plate. With this method, it allows them to separate each aspect of the game and how to continue moving forward in a positive light with less stress. The P.E.R.F.E.C.T. acronym stands for positive self-talk, embrace adversity, reverse engineer, focus on the now, evolve, chill out and talk it out. One of the biggest parts of this method for most athletes are the categories of positive self talk and focus on the now. When in action of performance players can focus on mistakes they have made throughout their game, or what they have done that could have been better in the pursuit of getting a win. With positive self-talk, you are able to focus on the rest of the game and have optimism for the potential outcome. Athletes can get into their heads easier and quicker than non athletes do to their love of perfection, success, and the feeling of winning the game. Succeeding is more or less a drug to a person who puts all their time and effort into a sport they love. With the P.E.R.F.E.C.T. method, it allows individuals to categorize the most important aspects of stress and how to handle them, creating a positive and excellent athlete both playing in the game and throughout the classroom.

The second article I looked into touched on how stress connects to high school students and tips that could potentially make things better . This source states that many high school students carry a lot of stress throughout their academic careers, and can take a very big toll of not only ones health, but their grades and even their emotional state. A study done by the American Psychological Association revealed that many high school leveled students feel levels of stress and adult would possess, leading to feelings of being overwhelmed, depressed and feeling as if the stress is taking over their life and a lack of being about to cope effectively is creating more stress. Stress in teens is seen to effect sleeping and diet patterns as well as how much activity and exercise a healthy teen needs to strive. One of the biggest tips that was given throughout this article in relation to reduce stress was taking power naps. With a long list of to dos and what seems like a never ending schedule, students need to make time for rest. Missing sleep can be detrimental to not only a teens health, but anyone of any age category. Finding small areas of time to sleep creates a more productive student who has had time to rest their brain and can use it more efficiently. Couple other tips that seems to be important and popular to teens is eating healthy, getting exercise, positive thinking, and music. All of these things can help with a positive look into facing your day with a reduced amount of stress.

The last article I used as a source spoke about the stress of employees throughout their workplace. The rate of stress for individuals continue to climb as the years progress, but stress is seen in various different environments. In this case, this is about corporate stress and how adults or others ho have a job are stressed and ways it could be reduced of simplified. According to a statement from the CDC’s National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, their recent studied have shown that the number of Americans who say they are feeling “extremely” stressed through their work ranges from 29 to 40 percent. Finding a low stress job seems to be a easy solution, but every job comes with its own sources of street, their is no way to fully avoid it, but their are many ways to face and deal with the problems placed infront of someone in a healthier manner. Some ways that workers can simplify their day and better deal with their stress all starts off with how you start you day. Make sure you make time for yourself, eat a proper breakfast and stay positive. Throughout your day, try to steer clear of conflict, stay organized, comfortable, try not to multitask too many jobs, listen to music, and over all just focus on what needs to be done. If you use all of these factors in a regular day it will hep you reduce your stress inside the workplace.

Overall, these articles showed how many different types of people deal with the issue of stress as well as tips to make it better and how to reduce the amount you take on.


chapter 13 impression post

--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

Taking the 4 personality tests, they were all laid out pretty differently. The first three tests were considerably long, asking similar questions, while the last one was two questions, based on what colors you chose in two separate orders. It seemed that most of the tests described my personality in similar characteristics. In 2 of the testes, my personality was named to be ESFP. This is Extravert, sensing, feelings, and perceiving. Th first test labeled me as 69% Extravert, 28% sensing, 41% feeling, and 12% perceiving. ESFP personalities are known to love people, excitement, telling stories, and having fun. Also very spontaneous, outgoing, and impulsive. The second test also described me as ESFP. More characteristics that come along with this personality type is warmth, daringness, caring, smooth, witty, funny, charming, clever, fun to be around, and more than generous. I think this definitely fits into how I would personally describe myself. I am very outgoing, have a wide social group of friends and always have something to say. I am also a very kind and forgiving person, which sometimes I wish I was less of being I am a “pushover” in some situations. The third test broke my personality traits into five different factors including, extroversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and intellect/imagination. I score pretty high in the extroversion category, meaning I am a very outgoing and social person. I didn’t score that high in emotional stability, being my lowest result. In agreeableness, I scored relatively high, meaning I am a friendly and optimistic person. I did not score as high on the next category, being conscientiousness, meaning I can be impulsive and disorganized but not too a large extent. And in connection to intellect and imagination, I scored lower, seeming that I am a traditional type of person. In the last test, I did not really understand how It could give us a variety of characteristics of our personality just be an order of which we picked colors.The test results described me as a strong and unwilling total advice from others, as well as stressed, self centered, thinks that no situation can upset me, and much more. I only agreed with about half of the characteristics it labeled me as. I think the first two tests were the most reliable and accurate to hoe I would personally describe myself.

chapter 10 first impression post

--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

I like to think I am pretty good at reading peoples emotions through their body language as well as facial expressions. Taking the quiz, I received a 15/20. This is looked at to be better than the average person in connection to reading another expressions. I think the test is credible in the sense of reading others facial expressions due to the faces and all the possible connections and options on emotions you could link to the face shown. The easiest expression to extinguish apart from one another were expressions and happiness and sadness. Harder expressions to read seemed to be attached to feelings of pain, shocked or confused. Many emotions make your face seem to sit in the same sorts of resting. Happiness and sadness are easily recognizable due to the enormous difference in how your face reacts. I think this information is definitely useful in everyday life as well as helpful in understanding how peoples facial expressions really do play a role in communication. Non verbal communication is very big in society. So the trait of being able to read someone well seems to be an important skill. It actually surpasses me how much on daily interaction is nonverbal. I think emotion will be an interesting topic to learn more about.

chapter 9 first impression post

--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

Throughout my personal experience in school, a relationship with not only your professor but an understanding of there style of teaching is very important. Not everyone picks up information the same. Different individuals have different ways on remembering information and making in useful throughout the course their teacher is teaching them. Schools should make it more of a priority to understand their impact on a students education. Not only are they responsible for making their students understand the material being taught, but making sure it is sticking and not being forgotten. Interactions between students and teachers or educators create a system and dynamic of how students will continue to learn and their habits tying to school work. Students can’t succeed unless they are understanding the material given to them. Students performances in clad can definitely be increased grade wise if educators may more attention to detail of students personal habits. School should have meetings with students throughout the year, checking through their progress and get a full understanding of how they all learn personally. This suggestion could improve school systems as well as the education of the children attending. Performance in a class room all starts with the teacher. They lay the work out so to speak for their students, but how they interact and connect the students to the material is very important in the success of a student.

Chapter 3 First Impression -Sleep

--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

In assessing my current sleep habits, they are not healthy what so ever. On a normal day, I go to sleep no earlier than 1am and no later than 5am. This past week has definitely been my busiest week, giving me not a lot of time to sleep. Making time to do school work, having practice as well as games for volleyball, and then studying and try to work in time to spend with friends and having a social life, this doesn’t really leave a lot of time for me to get a good full night of sleep. In reality, I am looking at an average of 6 hours a day of sleep before starting my day. I try to work in an hour nap whenever I can to try and rejuvenated my body to take on the rest of the day. For most college students, it would be ideal to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night, but in reality I believe most individuals are in the range I am personally in.

To improve my sleeping habits, I am not sure if there is much. During volleyball season, there is really no spare time to sleep more. With time for studying , doing work, working out and having practice, and even making time to have a social life, there is not much to spare. Out of season, there may be more time to improve my sleeping habits. I think I could definitely limit my social life as well as manage my time more wisely school work wise. In college, it is definitely a 360 to high school. I had my day set everyday, with the same schedule. Here there is more time that can slip away from you, making it harder o achieve what you need to get done. I could definitely change my habits of sleep, making it healthier for my overall life and daily activity.

Spotlight Post 1

--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

The word “Divorce” used to be taboo many, any years ago. Now it is becoming very common in todays society, leaving marriages with children divided. Divorce is something that many children have to go through, and its not the easiest thing to understand or live through growing up. Personally, my parents got divorced when I was 3 years old. My younger sister was only reaching the age of 1, so she would never grow up to see our parents together at all.  The biggest debate on the topic seems to be whether or not divorce affects kids, either negatively or not at all.

In an article produced by, titled with the name, “The Impact of Divorce on Young Children and Adolescents,” it clearly states that affects are seem throughout children with divorced parents. Though this source seems to relay the fact that age plays a major role, it also shows the general ways children react at several different age ranges. Depending on how young the child is, divorce shapes how the grow. If the child is younger, it can make them grow to be a more dependent person, while if the child is in their adolescent years, it can have them growing to be more independent. Divorce changes someone no matter what age. Having a child see the splitting of their two parents has many affects on them. Seeing love vanish, commitment disappear, a shift in the house they are growing up in, only being with one of their parents at a time, all of these things have a significant affect on a child. Research throughout this article reveals that for younger children, trust becomes a harder thing for them to comprehend. The split creates instability, as well as a feeling of insecurity in a household.

Reading through the Scientific American article , “Is Divorce Bad for Children,” offers the opinion that children grow quickly and adapt well. Divorce is seen as hard on children no matter what, but it just might not damage or hurt them as much as others may think according to this piece of literature. This article was found through a magazine with scientific studies provided along side of it, proving its credibility to the public. Relating to the article, it states that divorce will affect most children but for not as long as every would think. It is more of a short term effect with couple negative characteristics that tag along through the process. expressing anger, shock and anxiety are very common seen through children with divorcing parents. Long term, there studies showed there was little to no difference in children with separated parents.

Looking into other sources, I found an article focusing souly on the steps and ways divorce affects children. In the article from , an article written by Amy Morin was named, “The Psychological Effects of Divorce on Children.” As divorce rates continue to keep climbing, this topic gradually increases with questions. This article seems to line up very well with my first article I found. Most kids are seen to have some type of negative effect by divorce. Kids are even seen to question themselves, asking if it is their fault or why this is happening to their family. Depending on age, it is hard for a child to fully comprehend what is happening around them. Growing up with two parents and then all of a sudden you have to see one of them at a time complete shift the dynamic they grew up knowing to being a normal thing. Different kids have different reactions to divorce but the common factor is confusion. Struggling with the idea of a completely different demeanor throughout the rest of their childhood. Both short and long term negative affects are seen through research in this article. Changes in behavior, school grades, attitude, aggression, and levels of stress are all commonly seen in children with divorced parents. Divorce is negative all around, for every person involved.

Another article seeming to support the fact of divorce not being the worst thing in affecting a childs life came from LIVESCIENCE. The article titled, “Divorce Not Always Bad for Kids,” was written by Rachael Rettner. In this piece, she explains that the worlds view of< “staying together for the kids,” isn’t always the best idea and can cause more damage to them them good. Growing up with parents that have split apart is healthier then seeing your parents fight and disagree constantly. High conflict inside homes creates a sense of disconnect, not only through the connection of both parents in raising their children, but through the relationships of child to parent. Staying together with more conflict seems to cause issues then divorce with less conflict between parents. Each family case is different, but a childs happiness comes from outside factors and a major key to there life is how their parents are living.

As a person with divorced parents, I really do believe it has an extremely negative effect on you as a child. My parents divorced when I was very young, but I grew up with arguments, division, step parents(which made things twice as hard), and a complete split in my family. Having a younger sister, I couldn’t always feels effected because I was looking out for her and how she was feeling most of the time. Not only that, but having to split everything down the middle took meaning out of most family events. Things like holidays, birthdays, vacations, all of these things should be done together as a family unit. In my case, my mom had soul custody of my sister and I, leaving my dad with weekends and couple weekdays every once in awhile. I have always wondered what it would have been like to have parents that would have been together throughout the course of my childhood and how different things could have been today.




chapter 3 1st impression post

--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

In my personal opinion, using marijuana recreationally as well as for medical reasons should be legal in all 50 states in the U.S.. As the country continues to debate over the topic of whether or not this drug should be legalized , pros and cons are seen with both. Marijuana definitely carries several advantages and disadvantages, yet society seems to be linking medical and recreational use into the same category.  Both groups use the drug for different purposes.

Looking into medical marijuana, it seems to be providing exceptional results and benefits to the patients it is servicing. there is differences between recreational and medical marijuana. In the content used for medical reasons, different levels of THC as well as CBD are found. Different levels of this is to ensure a sense of pain relief without the emmense feeling of a “high”, felt when using it recreationally. Throughout the use of medical marijuana, strides had been seen in extreme decrease of pain and relief. Patients with diseases such as cancers, HIV, AIDS, etc., that have used medical marijuana tend to see some type of difference or relief in how they are feeling compared to without the drug. In the testing of cannabis, there have not been any long term negative effects on the patient or user. Patients that use this drug are prescribed with a specific amount, giving only what is needed to help.

In the case of recreational marijuana, the goal is completely different. This type is used my every day people just looking to get a high or “buzz” you could say. People who smoke recreationally do not use it for the purposes patients would for medical conditions. Using it frequently builds a high tolerance for the drug, making the user increase its amount of use every so often to continue to have an effect on the body, known as the high. If this was legalized, I could see the wide opinion of shaming the use of marijuana growing. People seem to look down or question ones who use the drug, yet it truly doesn’t hurt anyone. Many see marijuana as an opener or gateway drug to others so to speak, but this drug is very very difference from other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, or prescription pills. I believe that if you are an adult of the age 21, you should be able to do what you see fit for your own personal life.