
--Original published at LivsCollegeBlog

Drug addiction is an epidemic that is practically everywhere. Due to it being so widespread, there are many ways to deal with it. One way is the abstinence model where the goal is to completely rid the substance from the body and eliminate the use of the drug. Another way is the harm reduction model, which aims to provide a healthier way to use drugs. The example given by Dr. MacFarlane for this model was to provide clean needles to drug users in replace of dirty needles to reduce the contraction and spread of HIV or Hepatitis.

Sadly, I have dealt with drug addiction in my family and fiends on numerous occasions. Because of this, I personally feel that the abstinence model is way better than the harm reduction model. That’s not saying that the harm reduction model is not useful or impactful at all, it just isn’t AS useful or affective than the abstinence model.

The abstinence model is probably a better choice than the harm reduction model because it is aiming to completely eliminate the use of the drug and rid the body of it. Compare this to the harm reduction model where the drug is still being used, just in a “healthier” way.

If/when a loved one in my life needs help, I will definitely recommend the abstinence model. If my family member chooses to seek help for his/her addiction, I want them to never have to go through it again; I want the toxin to be completely gone.

Chapter 3 First Impression: Drugs

--Original published at Wolfman Productions

When thinking about certain drugs and how many stories you hear about the misuse of them, many often think that most if not all drugs are nothing but bad. There are drugs out there that if misused constantly, then many will think all drugs are misused and fear for their families safety. When you take the time and look at the facts floating around at there, you see than there are many drugs that help more than hurt the consumers.

One drug I see come up as a drug that should be used more often is Marijuana. Many claim that if more states get access to this drug, then things would be easier for patients suffering from extreme pain and the standard civilian. I do see the positives for marijuana and how they can and are helpful to patients who are suffering from extreme pains from surgery or a symptom they have no control over. I’m a bit more worried about allowing marijuana being available to the general public because you never know what the dealers are doing to the drugs.

The people who end up selling this drug could mix is with something else that could hurt the people using it. The people who use it recreationally may not notice anything wrong with it and keep using it without knowing the danger they might be in. This can cause trouble for both the market and how other look at the usage of this drug. The market could be affected by the lesser amount bought because of the issues of merchants mixing other drugs into the marijuana. The people in charge of distributing the drugs would need to take better care to make sure that the people they are sending it to are trustworthy. Others who notice this would also change their minds on the subject because of it. They would take a look and make sure they still support the use of it recreationally. Once they figure out how they feel about this, they can make their choice to support this longer or give it no more support.

Hopefully more people and more people take time to look for information to form their own opinion and not let other sway their thoughts. As long as we can do this, then we can be more proactive with this and make sure it’s how we want it to go.

Chapter 3 Impression: Drugs

--Original published at Carly's College Blog

Marijuana, whether medicinal or recreational, has been gaining more popularity and controversy after recently being legalized in many states.

I feel that medicinal marijuana should be legalized in every state. It does come with pros and cons, but a person would be working with their doctor to decide if it is best for their situation. For example, my cousin who has severe endometriosis had to receive a crucial operation over the summer. She had to have a large mass of grown tissue along with one of her ovaries removed. She was in an incredible amount of pain and her doctor decided that medicinal marijuana would be the best form of pain reliever to give to her. She did not become addicted to it, but it helped her pain and that was the end of it. People seem to think that having such an easy access to marijuana will increase the amount of people addicted to it or abusing it. What I am seeing is that it already happens with the other painkillers doctors prescribe. They are abused and people become addicted almost daily. Marijuana is more natural and the bodily harm is not as severe as that of narcotics or opiates.

I also agree that recreational marijuana should be legalized in every state under some conditions. Just as alcohol, I agree that people should be 21 to legally use the drug, and obviously, illegal to drive under the influence. I want marijuana to be legalized, not because I want to get high all the time, but because I think obtaining it legally is much safer than how it is obtained now. If states choose not to legalize recreational marijuana, people will still find ways to get it, which could be dangerous. Somebody could unconsciously buy weed that is laced with another more extreme drug, where if it is legally regulated, those risks would not exist. The same risks that are present with alcohol would be present with the use of marijuana, and I feel that if someone were to do something under the influence, they should be held to the same accountability.


Chapter 8 First Impression

--Original published at jennacampanellipsych

Legalization of recreational marijuana is a controversial topic, it always has been. There are good and bad things about the legalization for both recreational and medical. Let’s start with medical. Medical marijuana has been proven to help people with lots of conditions that other medicines cannot help. For example, Crohn’s disease, cancer, migraines, high blood sugar, and chronic pain are just a few of the illnesses marijuana can help. Marijuana can reduce pain and help someone build an appetite when they cannot on their own. Studies also show that marijuana cannot increase the risk of lung diseases, unlike tobacco. Yet, there are downsides as well. Using marijuana frequently can affect your short term memory drastically. Marijuana also contains cancer-causing elements and is addictive. For recreational, marijuana can heighten senses and allow users to speak their mind more freely. The dopamine release you get from smoking gives you feel good feelings and can make your life more stress free and energized. Legalization also helps the economy, for every 1 dollar spent for marijuana the economy gets between 2.13 and 2.40 dollars back. Also, police could focus on other crime activities other than marijuana laws. But there are cons as well. Just like the con for medical use, marijuana is addictive. Car accidents and deaths would increase with the legalization. Marijuana harms our bodies, like our brain causing mental health issues. Growing marijuana can also harm the environment through deforestation, habitat destruction, and more. After reviewing the pros and cons for both medical and recreational marijuana, I believe it should be legalized. People are getting it even when it is against the law, so it is not very effective. While it may not be the best thing to do, cigarettes are not either and they are legal. It should be everyone’s own choice to do it not, while knowing both the pros and cons.

Chapter 3 (Drugs Section) First Impression Post

--Original published at Psychology 105

Although controversial, I believe the pros of legalizing marijuana both for medical and recreational purposes outweigh the cons. Currently, there are 23 states that have legalized marijuana for medical use, compared to only six states that have legalized the substance for recreational use. Research on the medical applications of marijuana is expansive, but there has been evidence concluding that it does help with appetite, nausea, chronic pain, inflammation, and muscle control issues. More clinical trials are being conducted to see the effects of marijuana on cancer, immune disorders, mental disorders and seizures. Some research has even concluded that it can slow the growth of certain types of cancer cells. One of the most significant issues faced in health care today is the opioid crisis, and a recent study found a link between medical marijuana legalization and lower rates of opioid use.

With recreational legalization would also come with significant improvement to how marijuana is regulated. Potentially, it could decrease gang activity and activity within the black market. A lot of law enforcement resources go towards dealing with nonviolent drug possession charges; if marijuana was legal, more attention could be paid to dealing with violent crimes. Another huge argument made by proponents of legalization is that there would be a large increase in tax revenue collected off marijuana sales. There would also be health and safety standards applied to the substance that do not currently exist.

Most of the cons of marijuana have to do with its potential effects on health. Some argue it’s a potentially addictive substance; however, two highly addictive substances (tobacco and alcohol) are completely legal for sale and recreational use. There are issues associated with respiratory health both for marijuana smokers and the people around them via second hand smoke. I would argue, however, that again the same argument could be applied to cigarettes, which are legal. Overall, I believe the same regulatory laws (ex. age of sale, driving laws, etc.) that are applied to these two legal substances could be applied to marijuana and they would be just as effective.


Angell, Tom. “Medical Marijuana Reduces Opioid Prescriptions, Another Study Finds.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 11 July 2018, http://www.forbes.com/sites/tomangell/2018/07/11/medical-marijuana-reduces-opioid-prescriptions-another-study-finds/#7814b56e6b00.

Franciosi, Anthony. “12 Pros & Cons Of Marijuana Legalization.” Honest Marijuana, Honest Marijuana, 23 July 2018, honestmarijuana.com/legalization-of-cannabis-pros-and-cons/?age-verified=c94f718bc7.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Marijuana as Medicine.” NIDA, http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/marijuana-medicine.

Chapter 3 (Drugs Section) First Impression Post

--Original published at HuntersCollegeBlog

Medicinal and recreational marijuana are a hot topic of discussion now a days. In terms of medicinal marijuana, I believe that it should be legalized in all states, because in my opinion, if that’s the best proven thing, and the only thing that best helps conditions such as muscle pain, then I believe it should be legalized. Why would you want to keep something away from people, and forbid them from using it if it’s going to help them? As long as it’s being legally distributed from a doctor, and being taken responsibly, then I see no issue with it. I do however believe the recipient of medicinal marijuana needs to follow strict instructions, such as not distributing to other people, and be responsible. If this is not followed, this could be a downfall of medicinal marijuana. A downfall could also be that despite being prescribed, people could abuse the privilege of having it as medicine.In this case, it’s being used as perscribed medicine, so it should be treated as such.

In terms of recreational marijuana, I believe it should be illegal. When using recreational marijuana, I think that since people aren’t viewing it as medicine, it could be used irresponsibly. I also believe that recreational marijuana could be dangerous, since it isn’t in a specific amount of dosage, like medicinal marijuana. It can also be dangerous if young people get their hands on it, since they may not be aware of all the affects it has on them. It can affect different people different ways, and some of those ways could be harmful, especially if the user gets in a car to drive. Although I believe it should be illegal, some pros include it can make you feel a different way. Overall, I believe medicinal marijuana should be legal, and recreational marijuana should be illegal.

First Impression: Drugs

--Original published at Cecilia's Thoughts

The debate on whether to legalize marijuana across America has been very controversial for quite some time. There is an argument on both medical marijuana and recreational marijuana and whether it should be allowed to be used in all 50 states. There is arguments for both legalizing marijuana and the use of it remaining illegal. Medical marijuana is becoming more and more popular and is prescribed by healthcare workers to treat various diseases and conditions, such as cancers, seizures, and multiple sclerosis (MS). I think that medical and recreational marijuana should be legalized country-wide because it is not only used effectively for medical conditions, but it also can reduce stress and anxiety. Medical marijuana helps with medical issues, but it may lead to negative consequences if a person’s tolerance strengthens, which would cause a need for more of it or even a harder drug necessary to help with this same disease. Another negative effect could be the misuse of medical marijuana, especially if recreational use of marijuana is still illegal. Recreational use of marijuana becoming legalized would lead to a huge decrease in arrests, lowering overall crime rate. Though, the legalization of marijuana could cause an overuse of the drug. The legalization of marijuana could become economically beneficial because it would produce a huge profit for the country. In my opinion, I think that both recreational and medical marijuana should be legal everywhere because I believe that the pros outweigh the cons and it would be good for the country if it was legal.

chapter 3 1st impression post

--Original published at Marisa Psych Blog

In my personal opinion, using marijuana recreationally as well as for medical reasons should be legal in all 50 states in the U.S.. As the country continues to debate over the topic of whether or not this drug should be legalized , pros and cons are seen with both. Marijuana definitely carries several advantages and disadvantages, yet society seems to be linking medical and recreational use into the same category.  Both groups use the drug for different purposes.

Looking into medical marijuana, it seems to be providing exceptional results and benefits to the patients it is servicing. there is differences between recreational and medical marijuana. In the content used for medical reasons, different levels of THC as well as CBD are found. Different levels of this is to ensure a sense of pain relief without the emmense feeling of a “high”, felt when using it recreationally. Throughout the use of medical marijuana, strides had been seen in extreme decrease of pain and relief. Patients with diseases such as cancers, HIV, AIDS, etc., that have used medical marijuana tend to see some type of difference or relief in how they are feeling compared to without the drug. In the testing of cannabis, there have not been any long term negative effects on the patient or user. Patients that use this drug are prescribed with a specific amount, giving only what is needed to help.

In the case of recreational marijuana, the goal is completely different. This type is used my every day people just looking to get a high or “buzz” you could say. People who smoke recreationally do not use it for the purposes patients would for medical conditions. Using it frequently builds a high tolerance for the drug, making the user increase its amount of use every so often to continue to have an effect on the body, known as the high. If this was legalized, I could see the wide opinion of shaming the use of marijuana growing. People seem to look down or question ones who use the drug, yet it truly doesn’t hurt anyone. Many see marijuana as an opener or gateway drug to others so to speak, but this drug is very very difference from other drugs such as cocaine, heroin, or prescription pills. I believe that if you are an adult of the age 21, you should be able to do what you see fit for your own personal life.

Chapter 3 (Drugs Section) First Impression Prompts (option 1)

--Original published at Site Title

Although it has been legalized in some states, the use of marijuana both recreationally and medicinally is still a very controversial topic. Personally, I think both uses should be legalized, but I do see the pros and cons for both sides.

As far as pros go for the recreational use of marijuana, a lot of people use it not just for the way it makes them feel, but it helps them in other ways such as falling asleep or destressing after a hard day. This is also a very common and popular drug today and people do it whether it is legal or not so the legalization of it will only decrease the crime rate for possession of marijuana. It can also provide more jobs, such as farming, and revenue for the economy. Pros for medicinal use is plain and simple, it is used to make those that are ill feel better. I know it is used in some extreme cases, such as with cancer patients and it should be a goal of ours to make them feel as comfortable as possible during their illness.

Some negatives of the legalization of marijuana recreationally would come with the side effects and the way it impairs your brain. If it is legalized you would definitely see cases of people getting behind the wheel and putting their lives and other drivers’ lives in danger, much like when people drink and drive. A negative of the legalization of marijuana use for medicinal use could come after their illness is gone and they still continue to use this drug. I know marijuana is not an addictive drug, but this is a drug that a lot of people tend to use everyday once they get into it and it almost seems like an addiction, and then comes the danger of these people being out in the world driving or going to work high and not being able to do their job properly. In conclusion, if the day ever comes that marijuana is legalized everywhere there needs to be some rules set, for example, the amount one is allowed to purchase at once, in order to keep society safe.

Chapter 3 Impression Post Option 1

--Original published at Zachs College Blog

The use of marijuana both recreational and medically has increased drastically over the past decades. I personally feel like their are many different positives and negative to the increases of marijuana use on both levels. Medical marijuana use for patients dealing with illness and disease have witnessed a dramatic increase in the accessibility of marijuana. Medical marijuana users use marijuana to help reduce chronic pain and weaknesses that they be dealing with on a daily basis. It has shown to help diminish discomfort and pain that many people who have severe arthritis, back pain, and even cancer patients. I believe medical marijuana is a great way to help the people dealing with medical issues keep their mind off of what they’re dealing with and help reduce much of the pain they go through each day. Recreational marijuana use has become much more popular in the United States alone as many states are now allowing marijuana dispensaries to sell to anybody 21 years or older. There are 9 states in the US that have legalized recreational use to people living in it. Recreational marijuana is going to continue to grow whether we the people believe it should or not. Dispensaries bring in large amounts of revenue for the state as a whole, and its a booming business currently for the states who have approved. I feel like recreational use is a negative for the user, but a huge positive for state revenues and economics. I do not think recreational weed should be made illegal because its up to the person on whether they want to use it or not and its such a business boomer.