--Original published at marybraun99
Although there are many different types of parenting styles, only focusing on tiger, helicopter, and the jellyfish styles of parenting, I believe that the best way to parent a child is the jellyfish style. This style of parenting involves a parent who is not very strict with their children and does not over involve themselves in their children’s lives. When talking about helicopter or tiger parenting they are very involved and strict in their child’s lives. When a child has a parent that is over strict about school, or their social life, or every other aspect children tend to become more sneaky, or during their teenage years tend to rebel. Many people may disagree and say that these types of parents do not care about their child when they let their child make their own choices, however, I would disagree that the parents may care, but when they were growing up may have had parents that were over involved in their lives, which caused them to make mistakes and have to become sneaky to avoid being caught and getting in trouble by their parents. Although the jellyfish theory lets the children make their own choices, they are more likely to learn right from wrong, especially on their own because their parents are letting them have that freedom from a young age instead of being overprotective, and when the child goes away to say college, will make more mistakes than the child who was raised by permissive parents.
For example, when I was growing up during my elementary and middle school years I was always able to do what I wanted, I rode my bike across town when I was little, while some other kids weren’t allowed to. I was friends with the kids who had very overprotective parents and were never able to do anything. In middle school they would sit in their houses doing schoolwork for hours and hours on end, when I would be out playing. This went on all throughout high school, but after middle school I became friends with the kids who had parents more like mine. The parents who let their kids do what they wanted (within reason) and were always able to play. Now, granted I did make some mistakes growing up, but I quickly learned and was able to fix my mistakes. Being in college now, I see those same kids who were never able to go out, or have a drink, or do anything besides school work are the ones getting blackout drunk every weekend, and ending up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning because they are no longer under the care of their parents. In college for me now, I don’t drink, and I solely focus on my school work, and having friends that are good for me. Now, I would consider this more because of the ways that we were raised rather than the school we go to, or where we are surrounded.
Now, just because I say that, does not just mean my example. I have an older sister, who is 39. When she was younger, my mom was definitely a helicopter parent, and was super over protective of my sister, because my mom was so young when she had her. Now my sister is taking a different approach with her kids than my mom did with me, and is even more strict. My nieces never go outside, and only talk to each other. One day I am waiting for them to rebel (as bad as that sounds) and wait for them to be the children that never talk to their parents again, because they realize that their mother was keeping them under a rock their whole childhood. This caused my sister to become sneaky, and rebel, and get expelled from college after her first semester. My mom, however, was not overly strict, as some other parents can be.
I just think there needs to be a balance between being too protective of your child and not being protective enough, however, being over protective and trying to protect your child from the outside world is not always the best choice, because one day they will realize what is out their.