First Impression Post; Personality

--Original published at olivyahvanek

After taking the four personality tests, I think that they accurately represent my personality. I think that these tests showed different aspects of my personality, but all came together to make who I am as a person.

These tests showed different parts of my personality and who I am because they did not all come out and give me the exact same results, instead they varied slightly and gave me different answers for some of the tests, but others were exactly the same.

These tests all had very similar, if not exactly the same questions, but some of my results did vary and were different from test to test. I think that all of these tests were very credible because they all had similar questions and they also all gave the same descriptions for each of the personality types.

These tests were interesting, especially the second one because it not only gave a description of each of the personalty types, but it also gave examples of people who are those kinds of personalities. Meaning, each description of the personality gave an occupation of major trait of someone who is that personality type, which I thought was very interesting because it helped me better understand what kinds of people would be that personality type.

Taking these tests made me realize that personalities can vary largely between people because there are so many different personalities that people can have. I never realized the abundance of personalities that there are and it is crazy that there are so many to fit all different kinds of people.

Ch.13 First Impression Post

--Original published at Rickster's Psychology Blog

The first test was a Myers-Briggs test. I was a ISTP personality before I took this test again. The last time I took a Myers-Briggs test was 2 years ago. This time I was an INTP. I think this is because after 2 more years of college, I learned to have a more a universal view and have more of a environmental awareness rather than thinking subjectively.

The second test was another Myers-Briggs test. It only had 2 options for each question. The 2 options bothered me because I would be between the 2. For example, when I make decisions, I don’t either act impulsively or rely on past experiences. I feel I use both equally.

For the 3rd test, I was labeled barely an extrovert. In the other tests I was barely an introvert. I think it depends on how the questions are asked and the answers to choose from. For the second part, I was labeled as extremely emotionally stable. I could agree with it. I wasn’t always like that until a year ago. For part 3, I was labeled agreeable and friendly.For factor 4, I was seen as Conscientious so I am careful and diligent. For factor 5, I was labeled Intellect/Imagination so I’m open to experience. I agree with this test.

Then I took the Color test. To be honest, I thought this was ridiculous but it actually had me dead on. I was very shocked when I received my results. I don’t know why it was correct but I’m definitely curious about what everybody else’s reactions about this test will be.

I feel like all the tests were helpful in some way. I feel like as long as you answer them truthfully, you can learn a a lot about yourself or get reassurance on who you see yourself as.

Personality Tests

--Original published at Sherika's Psych Blog

Personality tests. We all loved to play them whenever they were began to pop up online in the mid 2000s. Not only were they a chance to see if some random generator could predict our personality, but see how correct…or how wrong it came out to be.

For the first personality test that I took (one measuring personality archetypes) I felt that it was somewhat accurate. I believe that personality is fluid; oftentimes people change or grow, and oftentimes the same outcome of a test differs if you take it on a different site. For this test I got ISTJ which surprised me as I’ve taken a personality archetypes test before and got INTJ. While both personality descriptors fit me, I find that I’m comfortable with the outcome of the test.

For the following tests I felt they were fairly on the nose about my need for a quite and serene environment. However I felt that when the tests described me as being too self-centered and constantly needing validations on my future goals and careers as well as my inability to open up about my feelings in an intimate and personal relationship to be wildly off the mark. While some of the tests fairly got my personality, some of the results were so off the mark that I felt like they were describing someone else.

While personality tests can be fun and call back to that long lost mid 2000s era. I feel there needs to be some air of skepticism surrounding them as while they can be accurate for the most part, they aren’t an official test nor are they the something you have to live your life based on.

Chapter 13 First Impression

--Original published at Noah'sPSY105blog

After taking all four of the tests that were provided, I was not very surprised with the results that I have received. For several of the tests I received similar, or basically identical results that I had received from personality tests which I had taken previously.

I believe that the results I received from most of these tests fairly accurately categorize the type of personality that I have. For example, several of the tests showed that I have a very small small percentage of my personality is slightly more extroverted. This to me is probably one of the most accurate traits that are highlighted throughout these tests because I thoroughly enjoy interacting with people frequently, but I also enjoy having some time to myself and decompressing.

The test with the least amount of credibility in my opinion is obvious, this test being the color quiz. I find it very hard to believe that this test is able to accurately measure what personality traits that you have by just selecting two rounds of colors in different orders. I believe the next three tests are fairly similar when it comes to credibility, but the big five test being slightly less credible than the other two because it is not as in depth as the other two tests.

After taking all four of the tests that were provided, I was not very surprised with the results that I have received. For several of the tests I received similar, or basically identical results that I had received from personality tests which I had taken previously.

I believe that the results I received from most of these tests fairly accurately categorize the type of personality that I have. For example, several of the tests showed that I have a very small small percentage of my personality is slightly more extroverted. This to me is probably one of the most accurate traits that are highlighted throughout these tests

Chapter 13 First Impression

--Original published at Courtney's College Blog

First, I took the Jung Typology Test from Human Metrics. My letters are ENFJ. I am distinctly extraverted and judgmental. This is accurate because I am outgoing and affirmative in my choices. I am moderately intuitive and feeling. I go with what I think is best, but also factor in my peers’ opinions and facts. I have a decent blend between making my decisions based on emotions and facts. An ENFJ is organized, helpful, decisive, and have great social skills. Because these skills match my personality, this test is accurate. The test is credible because it uses Jung’s commonly used test, the test questions were relevant, and the results were similar to the ones from other websites.

I also took a test from the Personality Test Center. It used this or that scenarios. I was also scored as an ENFJ. Since my result was repeated from the last test and shows characteristics of my personality, it is accurate. The test seems credible because it utilized Jung’s way of classification, which is widely accepted.

The next test was from the Open Source Psychometrics Project. It is the “Big Five” personality test. I can assume that it is credible since it is recommended for scientific validity and used in psychological research. There were five measurements of agreeability for each statement. For this test, I rarely had a neutral selection. My choices were either that I strongly agree or strongly disagree. The test stated that I am 96% extroverted, 7% emotionally stable, 91% agreeable, 97% consciencious, and 52% intellectual/imaginative. I think that I am more emotionally stable than 7%, but other than that, the results lined up with my personality well.

The last test was the Color Quiz. It is popular among doctors, psychologists, and universities across Europe, so I can assume that it is credible. I am not fully convinced that personality can be determined by how somebody chooses colored squares, however I believe in it slightly because my results seemed accurate. The test said that I am emotional, have no tolerance for arrogance, keep peace, and feels the need to fulfill my dreams.

Chapter 13 First Impression

--Original published at JVershinski's Blog

For the first personality test, I do not think it was very accurate. The results it gave me only seemed partially true for me, but then again maybe I don’t even have a good perception of myself. Two of the results it gave me were not what I would have expected, while the other two were what I expected, but not necessarily to the extent in which I thought.

The second personality test seemed farther off from the first! The first two sentences of the second test do not describe me at all, in my opinion. However, the rest of the text did do a fairly good job of describing how I would act in certain situations, what ethics I uphold, as well as what my methods are for figuring things out.

The third personality test I agree with the most. This one I think accurately described the big five factors as well as placed the correct scoring with them all. However, because I think this one is most accurate, it may actually be the least accurate. I know that since I’m me, I should be able to tell what my big factor scores are, but sometimes people just don’t realize how much of something they are.

The fourth personality test, while my favorite because it was the shortest, I do not think describes personality. Everything told to me in the fourth personality test described my current feelings in my current situation. I don’t think that what I’m feeling right now is going to be my personality. I think that it just tells me what my personality is in this very moment, not what it is overall.

First Impression: Personality

--Original published at Jessica K's College Blog

Personality has been one of many components to describe an individual, and a person’s interaction with the world is both similar but unique to someone else. On hindsight, a multitude of personality tests are formulated by thousands of traits and information, For example, in completing a 68-question personality test, the attributes connected to each answer is measured out in a series of letters called the Jungian Personality Type. (

In performing the test myself, it describes my personality in the INTJ aspect, the Scientist. This percentage of the population are theoretical thinkers and perfectionists, setting expectations for themselves in order to acheive them in the highest standard. While that does describe my personality in a analytical standpoint, I do find myself straying sometimes from my work and occupy myself with other matters.

It is an interesting to think back on myself, even for the people who see me as a creative and intellectual mind. And even if personality tests are not for everyone, there are times where you can look into the details behind the results, and think about how some people have the same mindset as someone else.

Personality Test

--Original published at Bogo's Blog

Your Existing Situation

“Is reckless and short-tempered. His decisions are made with little thought out the consequences, often times leading to unnecessary stress and conflict.”

I do not agree with this decree because I do not consider myself as a short-tempered person as I consider myself a person with a lot of patience and I do not like conflict. I partially agree with my decisions having little thought because I tend to focus on the positive sides of my actions and get surprised when something negative happens

Your Stress Sources

“Wishes for freedom and independence, free from limitations and restrictions except for the ones he choices to give himself.”

I agree with this part because I do tend to dislike being told what to do. I like feeling in control of my own life and whenever someone tries to take the wheel it puts me in a sour mood.

The Restrained Characteristics

“His desire to avoid open conflict and tension forces him to put his desires on hold, even though he is feeling restrained and uneasy.”

“Current situation makes him feel unable to prove himself, but tries to make the best of things.”

I do tend to put my wishes on hold if it means avoiding conflicts so I do agree with this assessment.

Your Desired Objective

“Longs for tenderness and for a feeling of acceptance from a partner. Appreciates things that are beautiful, pleasing to the eye, and stylish.”

I believe most people long for tenderness and acceptance from their partners when they’re in a relationship. This assessment seems very general in my opinion.

Your Actual Problem

“Prefers to be left in peace and avoids arguments, confrontation and conflicts.”

Of all the others this is the one I felt portrayed my personality accurately because I like my peace and I do my best to stay out of conflicts.

Overall this personality assessment did not seem very accurate to me. I felt like they were pulling at straws hoping to land an assessment I connected with. Most of them felt very general and unconcise.

Personality Tests

--Original published at Jill Distler's Psychology Blog

I feel that most of these personality tests were scary accurate. The questions were somewhat confusing to answer at times, but in the end, I feel that the results properly described my personality. The first test’s results were slightly hard for me to understand, just because my results came out to have slight preferences or even marginal to no preference over each of the traits, I found myself answering these questions, mostly unsure because I didn’t understand these questions as a whole.

First Test Results:ESFP

Extravert(19%)  Sensing(3%)  Feeling(19%)  Perceiving(9%)

  • You have slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion (19%)
  • You have marginal or no preference of Sensing over Intuition (3%)
  • You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (19%)
  • You have slight preference of Perceiving over Judging (9%)

The second test, I feel properly described me because I feel that my presence does draw people towards me in social settings. I feel that this test could end up being the most credible, but the source of these personality tests doesn’t seem the most credible as a whole. I understood these questions more than those of the first test, so I feel that my answers were more accurate.

Second Test Results: ENFJ – Teachers

The atmosphere is levitated with their presence and their authenticity draws people towards them. They have an impressive imagination and are natural visionaries. 5% of the total population.

After taking the third personality test, I feel that I may have not understood the questions as well because my results came out making me seem like a terribly aggressive, disorganized, and impulsive person, when I know I am not an aggressive person by nature even though I do know I am disorganized and carry impulsive tendencies.

Third Test Results


Factor Descriptions:

Factor I was labelled as Extroversion by the developers of the IPIP-BFFM. Factor I is sometimes given other names, such as Surgency or Positive Emotionality. Individuals who score high on Factor I one are outgoing and social.

Factor II is labeled as Emotional Stability. Factor II is often referred to by other names, such as Neruoticism or Negative Emotionality (in these two cases interpretations are inverted, as Neruoticism and Negative Emotionality can be thought of as the opposite of Emotional Stability).

Factor III is labeled as Agreeableness. A person high in agreeableness is friendly and optimistic. Low scorers are critical and aggressive.

Factor IV is labeled as Conscientiousness. Individuals who score high on this factor are careful and diligent. Low scorers are impulsive and disorganized.

Factor V is labeled as Intellect/Imagination. This factor is also often called Openness to Experience. People who score low tend to be traditional and conventional.

My favorite personality test, the color test, actually became the most accurate in describing each situation I am currently facing. I am not sure how my choice of the order I chose the colors (pink, blue, green, light orange, bright orange, grey, and black) concluded to these results, and I wish there was description on how these results were formulated, but I found that taking each of these tests allowed me to learn more about myself as a whole.

These results were most accurate to my personal observation:

Your Existing Situation

“Creative and emotional, looking for ways to further expand those qualities. Looking for a partner who enjoys the same activities. Seeking adventure and new and unusual activities.”

Your Stress Sources

“Feels empty and isolated from others and wishes to overcome this feeling. Believes life has more to offer her than what she was experienced thus far and doesn’t want to miss out on anything. she purses all her goals and dreams, fearful that any missed opportunity will cause her to miss out on even more. Quickly becomes an expert in any field she pursues and can sometimes come off as overbearing and nosy.”

Your Restrained Characteristics

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.

Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels she is being forced into compromising and even her close relationships leave her feeling emotional distant.

Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels she is being forced into compromising and even her close relationships leave her feeling emotional distant.

Current situations have left her feeling overwhelmed and tormented. Needs to avoid further activity or demands and concentrate on relaxing and becoming emotionally sound.

Your Desired Objective: 

Very active imagination and may be prone to fantasies and daydreaming. Always dreaming of interesting and exciting things to happen to her. Is a charmer and wants to be admired for that.

Your Actual Problem:

“Fears she will be held back from achieving things she really wants, leading her to search endlessly for satisfaction and become involved in activities which are pointless.”

Your Actual Problem #2

“Feeling held back and restricted from moving forward, looking for a solution that will give her more freedom and less obstacles.”

Chapter 13 First Impression

--Original published at Ally'sCollegeBlog

When taking the personality tests, I felt like the yes or no answers were difficult to answer. I wanted to say maybe or I do not know, but they were not an option. Other than that, I think that most of the personality tests are credible. It is difficult to be accurate though, because of all the exceptions. Some people. including myself, do not fit into the categories the quizzes presented. I would say they were all reasonably credible. They are free quizzes that are not very thorough, so I did not expect them to be these amazing quizzes.

I think the quiz that most accurately describes my personality was the color quiz. I was confused on why they had me pick the colors in order of how each made me feel. I did not see the correlation between them and my personality. On the contrary, when my results came back, they were more accurate than the past sixty question quizzes. I also liked the Humanmetrics Jung Typology quiz. When I got my results, the were pretty spot on. They said I was 16% extrovert and 19% introvert, which I agree with. In certain situations, I tend to be one over the other. It just depends on where and who I am with.