Chapter 4 First Impression

--Original published at Noah'sPSY105blog

It can be extremely difficult to identify what styles of parenting are most effective to help raise a child who will go on to have a very productive and happy life down the line. Although a parenting style that is a happy medium between being strict and being very carefree will most likely be the best style in my opinion. You can run very many risks leaning too heavily to one extreme or the other.

For example, if a parent tends to be too strict whilst their child is growing up, the child may lack important experiences, (whether the experience be negative or positive) in which they will be able to learn from down the line. I believe such experiences are vital whilst a child is growing up, because if they are not able to live through these experiences, they may not be able to truly learn whether the choice they made was truly right or wrong.

On the other hand, if parents are not strict with their children at all and let them do whatever they want, they may go through a portion of their life in which they believe they will be able to get away with whatever they would like to. Or they may not understand the true repercussions of their actions.

This is why I believe the middle ground between these two extremes is paramount when it comes to raising a child. Not only will they be able to experience things that they will be able to learn from, but the parents will also be able to punish the children and help explain to them why some actions may not be appropriate or acceptable, and why others are acceptable.

Chapter 4 First Impression Post

--Original published at Courtney's College Blog

I have become opinionated about parenting over the past few years through observing the styles of my parents and those of my friends. I believe that parents should find a middle ground between strict and laid-back parenting.

When parents are too controlling, their children do not know how to take care of themselves. I have some friends my own age that do not have time management skills, because their parent plans out their day for them, minute by minute. Their thoughts are constantly put down by their parents, whom are viewed as far more superior. This results in the people being incapable to formulate their own opinions, which can be detrimental in adulthood. I understand why parents do not want their children to experience failure, but failure is essential to learning. Parents can not always be a “safety net” to take away all of their problems. Children, especially young adults, should learn to solve their own problems, a practical skill in the adult world. I believe that strict parenting strains the relationship between the child and the parent. The children may fear the parents or not feel as close to them, because they are micromanaging their life. The children may be feared by the parents’ excessive punishments. Strict parenting has its upsides because the children know that the parents care about them, since they are exerting so much energy in to improving their lives. Strict parents keep the child focused on their dreams. They make sure that no assignment is turned in late and that no sports practice is skipped.

Parents should not be too permissive either. It is essential for children to be loved, in order for other psychological needs to be met. If parents are barely involved in the children’s lives, the children do not get the basis of being loved. Children with unrestrictive parents may not know how to respect authority, because they did not have any authority while growing up. The laissez-faire parenting style is not fully a terrible thing. It teaches children to learn on their own. I have observed that children with permissive parents learn to cook, clean, and take care of themselves at an earlier age. The bond between the child and parent are usually stronger when unrestrictive parenting is used. These parents usually just want to please their children, resulting in minimal conflict.

Finding a mixture between these two parenting styles is ideal. This results in the child feeling cared for and self sufficient, while also having guidance. A parent should serve as a guide in a child’s life. They should be involved, but not in an authoritarian way.

First Impression Post; Development

--Original published at olivyahvanek

To begin the 8 stages of lifespan I would begin with the first range being from zero years old to two years old and at this stage would be when the children are just beginning to grow and I think that the most psychological challenge at this age would be to communicate because there is no actual form of communication other than crying and laughing because children are unable to speak at this point.

The next stage would be from three years old to around six years old and at this stage is when children begin to walk, talk, and do more things on their own, without having to rely on their parents. At this stage one of the psychological challenges would be to begin walking and talking on their own because usually at these ages is when children are able to walk and talk, but are not great at it yet, so these are the years that they actually get better at it.

The next stage would be from seven years old to thirteen years old because this is when children just begin to go to school and actually interact with other children of their own age. The psychological challenge at this age would be learning how to socialize and make friends because they have to be around other children their age all day almost everyday, and this is where they begin to learn their social skills.

The next stage would be from thirteen years old to eighteen years old because this is when children begin to turn into young adults and begin to face harder things, such as school, puberty, and more serious relationships. The psychological challenge in this age range would be beginning to learn how to be more independent because these are usually the ages where parents begin to give kids more freedom.

The next stage would be from nineteen years old to around twenty-three years old. This is the stage where most kids move out of their parents homes and start to become completely independent. The psychological challenge at this stage would be learning how to live on your own and rely on yourself because there is no more full support from their parents anymore

The next stage would be from twenty-three years old to thirty-five years old. At this stage, most people begin to get married and have children. The psychological challenge at this stage would be to learn how to live with another person and raise kids with them, this is a challenge because just as they got used to living on their own, another person has entered their lives and made another major change.

The next stage would be from thirty-six years old to fifty years old. At this stage most people have been married and already have kids, but here they are having to raise the kids and I think that the psychological challenge at this stage is having to raise kids and teach them the right from the wrong and to be a parent.

The next stage would be from fifty-one to around sixty-five years old. At this stage children start to leave their homes and parents are left with an “empty nest” so there are changes in the household and I think that the psychological challenge at this stage is getting used to no longer having to fully support children that you raised because they are now out living on their own.

The final stage is form sixty-six years old to death. At this stage people are usually retired and no longer have their children living in their homes, so there is a large difference in life and it is much quieter than they are used to. At this stage the psychological challenge would be making something to do with their time because they aren’t used to their lives not being as busy as they used to be.

These 8 stages of lifespan range majorly depending on the person, but I think that these are the basic 8 stages of an average person.

Chapter 4 First Impression

--Original published at JVershinski's Blog

8-Stage Lifespan Development

Stage 1: 0-3 years old

I think that the main psychological challenge during this stage of development is the understanding of learning so many new things. The behaviors that someone this age will go through as well as the mental processes pose quite a challenge for someone from a young age.

Stage 2: 4-6 years old

The main psychological challenge for this age is the behavioral aspect of life. At this age I think that many people are learning to act how their parents tell them to act. Also, kids go through the phase of whether they should listen to their parents or act the way they want to act.

Stage 3: 7-12 years old

The main psychological challenge of this age group is the external development of behavior. I think at this age people are beginning to understand how their behaviors and what they say affect others around them.

Stage 4: 13-22 years old

At this stage in life, I think the biggest psychological challenge is stress. Most people around this age are in middle school, high school, or college, and they are faced with new mental challenges that they learn to figure out on their own which can cause a lot of stress. Also, around this age range is when people really judge themselves for how they look, and this can lead to things like anorexia or other eating disorders.

Stage 5: 22-28 years old

In this age group, I think independence in terms of behavioral development emerges on a different level. Around this age, you graduate college, move out, find your own place and start your own life. There is no more relying on other people to help you out anymore, and the responsibility of yourself really comes to light.

Stage 6: 29-40 years old

I think at this age range the biggest psychological challenge is planning ahead. This is the age range where people work a lot and start to plan their future years ahead, possibly even to retirement. This places a lot of stress on the brain as well as the person as a whole.

Stage 7: 41-64 years old

This age range’s biggest psychological challenge is development of new skills. Many people around this age do not possess the capability or the correct mindset to make time to learn something new. This could possibly prevent true happiness or joy from occurring.

Stage 8: 65+ years old

I think the biggest psychological challenge for this age group is keeping everything in order. Around this age and onward dementia may begin to kick in which could lead to episodes of mania or maybe forgetting something or someone that was very important to you.

Chapter 4: Developing Through The Life Span

--Original published at Jessica K's College Blog

First Impression

Everyone knows that life can lead to many things, for different emotions, cultures, and activities being formed to give people more understanding of the world around them.

For the lesson I am currently learning, it will be about the lifestyle of people and how their actions and emotions predict their lives in the future. One of the aspects of the chapter that I am interested in is the theory of nature vs. nurture. Though it has changed its theoretical viewpoint on how humans can grow based on either their genes or support from a family, it gave psychologists an growing understanding of the way we perceive a proper childhood and how it will affect the child as they grew up.

However, by the end of the chapter I want to know the path that was taken in understanding how the child’s mind work based on the situations present, the interactions they faced, and to prove whether or not that will give psychologists a near accurate description of the person’s future personality and actions based on their earlier years.


--Original published at Zach Nawrocki's Blog

There are several different styles of parenting that all lead to different ways that children act and deal with situations as they get older. The three big types of parenting styles are tiger parenting, jellyfish parenting, and helicopter parents. Tiger parenting is a very strict and demanding style of parenting that puts a lot of pressure on children to do the best that they possible can at everything. Jellyfish parenting is the opposite of tiger parenting where this style of parenting has little rules, lacks control and overindulge their children. One more type is helicopter parenting, this style is when a parent pays very close attention to a child’s experiences and problems and doesn’t let that child out of their sight. I feel as though the best style of parenting is a combination of these three styles depending on how old the child is. Nevertheless, there are many ways to parent a child depending on the situation the child is in.

Parenting is such a complex web of different ways to parent a child as they grow up that there is not a certain way to parent but more of a general way to do things in response to how a child is acting. While a child is growing up between the ages of 5-16 years old it is important to have set rules to follow and if the child is following them to reward them in some manner such as ice cream or a toy. Nevertheless, it is also important to be strict with these rules and if the child doesn’t follow them to punish them somehow such as timeout or take a toy or phone away. This shows the child that if you follow rules something good will happen but if you don’t something bad will happen, this is important because when that child gets a job later in life it is important to follow bosses’ orders or rules and if you don’t you could get fired. As a child gets older however it is better to let a child be more independent and have few rules to follow. At this stage in a child’s growth it is important to let them experience the real world and let them handle situations on their own because as they get older a parent will not be always be there to help them. I feel as though a combination of all three is the best way to parent a child as they grow up and adjust the style of parenting in certain situations.

Chapter 4 Impression Post: Option 1

--Original published at MaddieHinson

Being raised in a household that was more strict than my friends growing up, I would always say, “When I have kids, I’m never treating them like this.” That would especially be the line when my parents wouldn’t let me do something, or made me do my homework or chores. However, now that I have moved out of their house, and gained a little knowledge and perspective from being an adult, I can see how their parenting methods made me the person who I am today, and I am grateful for it.

I think that you can read all the books and do as much research you can on being the “Best” parent, but you are never going to be prepared for it until it is actually happening to you. I think that it’s helpful to have someone by your side that has similar values as you kind of as a support system throughout this experience. I also think it is important to realize that you are not going to be perfect and make a few mistakes and that you can tell that to your child. It’s good for them to know that you are still learning about life also, and you can admit that.

Another part of being a parent is to spend time with your kids, and make them a priority. When you have a baby, your life is not about you anymore and in order for your relationship with your child to grow, you are going to need to make sacrifices for them. Then from those sacrifices you can teach your children how to be grateful for what they do have and to be humble and not selfish.

I do think although it would be my least favorite part, that discipline is something every kid needs to have growing up. There’s some controversy over the types of discipline, but I think whatever is most effective for your child is what’s best. They need to learn respect, because that will carry with them throughout life, into school, and then in jobs. I think that teaching your kids a good work ethic is extremely important as well.

Another part of parenting that is important for long-term relationships is the open communication between the parents and the child. I think it’s important that a child should feel like they can come to their parent with any problems or issues they can be having and know the parents are there for them. Being a parent, you have an advantage because you have experience growing up and probably had a lot of the same issues their kid is going through, and so it’s easier to relate to them and share the knowledge of how to get through it.

The Ideal Parenting Method

--Original published at Olivia's College Blog

When looking at “problems with kids these days”, it’s convenient to trace the behaviors back to the style of parenting they experienced. I can see how this is a struggle for parents, who only discover if their parenting is effective by trial-and-error and seeing the results of their parenting style as their child grows. Of course my response is biased to my personal experiences and opinions, but I think finding a middle ground between extremes is essential for producing a happy, healthy, and productive member of society.

As someone who was raised by strict parents and very sheltered, I can confidently say that this extreme is not the most fruitful method of parenting. Being raised with strict parents can make a child feel very restricted. It is important to look out for the safety of your child and use your experience to steer them in the right direction. This is taken out of hand once the parents make choices for their child because it creates a certain divide that places the child below the parent. Sheltering is not a good style because it can enforce introverted behavior and have the child miss out on social aspects of their life.

On another end of the spectrum, I believe it is important to avoid the ‘friendly’ type relationship with a child. I know plenty of parents who try to be the ‘cool mom’. I believe this style is constructive in that it develops a comfortable relationship between parent and child, but is lacking in discipline. To me, being friends with your child does not outweigh the importance of raising them with responsibility and having expectations for them. I think children raised this way would benefit from a parent offering more advice or a bit of constructive criticism.

The middle ground includes all the above: the protective parents, the strict parents, the softer parents, the friendly parents. To be a well-rounded individual, a child needs well-rounded parenting consisting of constructive criticism and emotional support, protection and freedom. I believe having a blend of these parenting styles would not only be better for the child, but generate the strongest and healthiest relationship between parent and child. Most importantly, the parent needs to understand the child’s biological need to be nurtured. Genuine emotional support from the earliest stage is a crucial step toward self-acceptance and forming and maintaining strong relationships.  

Parenting Styles

--Original published at Ariana's Blog

There are many different parenting styles and the outcome of each style is different. Helicopter parents can be overbearing. This type of parenting style makes it hard for the child to be his/her own person because the parents are always involved. It makes it difficult to develop decision-making skills because their parents make the decisions for them. Jellyfish parents let their child do what they want. This can have consequences as well. The child may have a warped sense of right from wrong because the parents have few rules and haven’t been a role model for the child. Tiger parents are to strict and prevent the child from being their own person as well. This may cause the child to sneak around because they feel they have to. Helicopter, Tiger, and Jellyfish parents are all extremes, but qualities from each would make for a good parenting style. Since one parenting style will not prepare a child for the world; parenting should be a bit of everything. An ideal parenting style would be one where the child has a reasonable amount of authority and freedom depending on what age they are. The parent should be able to give more freedom as the child gets older. They should be a good role model and discipline when needed, but with a sense of guidance. Parents should be there when the child wants them there, let them go out, but also discipline when doing wrong so the child is able to learn from the mistake. A combination of these parenting styles would be an ideal way to parent.

Chapter 4 – First Impression Prompt – Development

--Original published at NataliesCollegeBlog

Through my whole childhood I have been surrounded by many different family settings. At the time, growing up I never considered how parenting truly changes a child’s life. Now, comparing myself to how my cousins were raised makes me see the different types of parenting styles that are used. For example, my cousins grew up on a farm and were taught by my aunt and uncle how college is a waste of time. Working right away and getting married is the most beneficial thing for any 18 year old graduate in this family. For my parents, things were different. I grew up in a house that grades were important to having a stable career and to get into good colleges. My aunt is very controlling and a “helicopter parent” while my mom encouraged me to strive for the A’s and do well in sports and school. My aunt did not get my cousins involved in activities, which caused them to not have as many friends in high school, while my mom signed me up for sports and girl scouts, which lead me to meeting some of my best friends.

After comparing my cousin’s family and my own it made me think about what really is the “best” way to parent. It made me realized how different parents have different interpretations on what makes you happy and successful.

I personally think that to have a child be the best they can be is to let them be independent but push them enough to strive to be better. The goal when raising a kid is to have them be the better version of you. I think that making mistakes is what makes a child grow as a person and that is something I would want my child to learn. Discipline is also very important and there needs to be certain boundaries so your child will think of you as a parent rather than a friend that’s older than you. As much as discipline is necessary, it should never escalate to cursing at their kid or making them feel worthless. The ideal parent would be supportive, encouraging, and loving. The ideal type of parent would make sure their kid is on top of their school work/activities but let their kid learn on their own so they can figure out how to problem solve.