Chapter 8- Memory

--Original published at Loretta Gabrielle

For chapter 8 impression post I chose the first prompt relating to memory in study habits. Looking at my current study habits I have a large room for improvement as this class online differs from a regular class during the semester. Something I need to adjust for my study habits is prioritizing and becoming better at balancing my priorities. During the school year my main focus is school whereas now, this is one class while I work 10.5+ hours a day. Knowing I work most days for large parts of the day, organizing when and what work I am going to do will better the way I learn bit by bit each day.

When I take notes in the lecture or from the book I look for key parts in order to take good notes rather than looking to understand the material fully. This could be for several reasons but the point being is that it is unbeneficial. The way I studied for the first exam was through the worksheets presented and the study guide. Normally during the year I mainly use flashcards as my main studying technique as I take tests better when I am confident and have memorized the material. Although I know that memorization for a test isn’t beneficial, flash cards seem to be the most impactful in narrowing down and learning the information I need to understand. To improve my first exam for Monday, I plan on being proactive rather than reactive. I know there is an exam due and so from this part I restudy the points I missed by reviewing my notes from the first exam along with the notes from the current exam chapters. Rather than hoping to study the night before. Rather than this I will pace myself throughout the remainder of the week and weekend in order to accomplish these tasks which will build my confidence and prepare me for a better exam. Lastly, getting more sleep is a key factor in improving my study habits.

The most realistic goals to improve are:

1. More sleep

2. Flash Cards with useful skills (narrowing down the important parts in a clear way

3. Actively studying every day in order to use as building block and rather than to accomplish the task of that night.

Learning and memory for the most part go hand-in-hand. Learning is the skill and memory is demonstrating it with speed and confidence. There are three different types of memory which include sensory, working/short term, and long term memory. In order to have the best results on the test, studying the information for your short term memory does nothing benefical in the long run. It is vital to study a little but every day in order to build your learned skills and to become a strong memory.

Chap. 8 – Impression

--Original published at Kealey's PSY105 Blog

I must admit; my study habits could use some improvement. I have a very poor memory, so memorizing terms, dates, and people for tests has always been difficult for me. I often try to get the information to “sink in” by handwriting notes multiple times. First, I take detailed notes from lectures or book reading and closer to the test I’ll rewrite the most important information, organizing them from very general to more specific. Sometimes I include drawings and diagrams in my notes because I find using visuals helps me to remember information. I also use flashcards. I prefer to use over handwritten flashcards because I can practice anywhere on my phone in a variety of ways. However, it seems no matter how hard I study or how well I do on the test, my capacity for remembering information is almost strictly short-term, so studying for exams is almost like relearning everything I had up to that point.

For the last exam, I took extensive notes on the book and lectures and underlined important terms and psychologists. I reread the notes to prefer for the test, but I found I should have done more. The last few chapters I have been color coding information with highlighters and reviewing more extensively before quizzes. I also pay more attention to phrases like “This would be a good exam question.” Making these points in my notes more pronounced will help me prepare for the next exam as I review the most important information. I would like to learn more study techniques that would enhance my memory and help me retain information longer.

Chapter 8 First Impression Post

--Original published at CatherinesCollegeBlog

I chose the first option about study habits for this post. There are many different habits I have developed, some helpful and some not as much. One method I have found especially helpful is incorporating repetition into my studying. Being an International Business major, I have had my fair share of map quizzes during these past two years. I am not someone who can look at the map of a country or continent once and be able to label a blank version of the same area. What works best for me is printing out at least a dozen blank maps of the particular country or continent I am studying, and repeatedly labeling the different parts on all dozen or so copies. I used this repetition method for our first exam in this class, but in a slightly different way. I found that I needed more exposure to the questions the exam would be asking, so I took each “practice review problems quiz” for both chapters at least six times. The repeated exposure to similar questions regarding the topics was more beneficial to me than rereading the textbook or rewatching the lectures. In addition to this study habit, I also love to develop quirky phrases for certain things we learn that have an acronym to go along with the information. The word association with this helps me to remember the order of steps in a process or even the location of a country on a map. For example, I will never forget the order in which I must approach a math problem thanks to PEMDAS.

One study habit I would like to improve upon is making the different colors I write with actually mean something. Many times I find myself writing notes or flashcards with colored pencils, pens, and markers simply because it makes studying more fun. If I was able to establish a useful meaning for each color, perhaps by grouping certain terms or concepts together based on their color, this could possibly help with my memorization. Specifically for this exam, I should have made flash cards of the terms, the concepts, and especially the people we discussed because I was having a hard time recalling these quick bits of information. Flash cards would have played to the helpful habit of repetition I prefer, so for the next exam I will be trying this method. I also need to focus more on thoroughly reading the textbook chapters. I often find myself skimming instead of reading for comprehension, and I believe it is due to the world we live in. Things move too quickly and there is so much to get through, whether it is on social media or the news or in my email inbox. I need to recognize that the information in our textbook requires more time and attention to understand than a news headline or a tweet requires to get the point.


--Original published at Tiffany'sCollegeBlog

When it comes to studying, for me at least, it’s extremely different and sometimes difficult. It truly depends on the subject that I’m studying for. At school I have upwards of 14 classes while during the summer, I only have 2. Granted the two summer classes are way more than my actual classes at school, studying for them makes it way harder. At school, I have 13 classes this semester. While most majors include reading and wiring essays and books, my major involves clinical studies and practicing an exuberant amount every day. I have some classes that do require me to take notes and study like the “normal” student but most of them require me to practice in one way more than another. For my typical “normal” student classes, I take notes and use notecards like they are going out of style. On those, I typically put vocabulary that I need to know and dates for history or something. I also put my lecture notes in with my personal notes. Most of the time I have my class notes and then before the next class, I write in my lecture notes again. When I typically take lecture notes, I put them on a separate sheet of paper and then copy them in so that I’m seeing them twice. Typically, with repetition (hence the notecards) I can remember a lot more than not using them. With my other classes, I have to do a lot of practice, mentally and physically. I have classes like theory, aural skills, symphonic band, lessons and orchestra where I have to physically practice my oboe, bassoon, piano and guitar for a long period of the day. It is a requirement for the FAPA department for all music majors to practice their primary instrument for at least 1 1/2 hours a day and 30 minutes for each instrument beyond that that we play during the school year. Most of my practicing is done that way so for homework sometimes it can be very fun and other times it’s hard to get the whole time in. Our other homework has to do with multiple problems of theory and aural skills so sometimes we have multiple problems and other times we have to write music or listen to it and dictate it. So not all the time can I necessarily have any study habits because I don’t have to study much for my classes. Exams and quizzes and playing tests are definitely more different. We have to prepare by reviewing material, multiple practice problems etc. It’s all very different. There isn’t much reading and notes that we have to take besides maybe notes that could help us improve. 

For summer classes however, it’s a lot different than at school. I’m reading way more than I normally do, I have a lot more notecards, and I have more lectures than I do at school. I have this class and then my history class for my other minor and that class isn’t too bad as much as this one, having to do all the readings and lectures etc. My history class I have multiple books to read and movies to watch for quizzes and discussion boards and even the midterm. I have more notes and more studying in order to keep up. A lot of times I’m up till 2 or 3 am and then I get up at 9am roughly and get started again. An issue or two that I do find with studying is that I get very distracted easily and part of that is probably ADD and then the other part of that is just excessive noise. I have some headphones that I wear and I listen to “classical for studying” on Pandora every once in a while to have some constant noise. I have figured out that in order to listen to music, I have to listen to music that isn’t my own. For example, sometimes I go to Panera to study or read and I am able to focus there because they have their own music playing on the speakers not my own like country/pop music in my ears. 

I think with my own study habits sometimes noise gets in the way, my phone also can be in the way and not having a time schedule or a plan of what I need to accomplish gets in the way. All of those can make it very difficult for me to divide an conquer what needs to be done in what order. I definitely know that my notecards work. One other thing that I do is put them on a ring so that I don’t lose any but it’s also easier to keep track of where you are. Another thing that doesn’t help with studying is my comprehension skill. Not all the time do I understand what I’m reading and understand it so sometimes I do have to re-read so that I get it. I also read slow so that doesn’t exactly help but when I do, I can understand what I’m doing. When I was studying for the first exam, I had my two sets of notecards and my notes from the chapters and the lectures. I went over them multiple times a few days before and then right before the test and I was able to do well besides the lack of time for the last few questions. For the next exam, I will have to start earlier reviewing the material so that I can do well and go over everything instead of missing some things. There are way more chapters and vocabulary that we need to know so reviewing multiple times will help and for a long period of time helps as well. I will also continue to have the notes that I take and the notes from the lectures. 

Chap. 3 – Impression

--Original published at Kealey's PSY105 Blog

Something that my friends and I can typically all agree on is we feel tired. I am used to it now and I think many other college students have accepted the feeling of constantly craving coffee and/or a nap. What many people do not realize is that having a social life while being a full-time student is extremely important. Having that time to let loose and unwind with peers is a much-needed stress reliever to cope with the pressures of academics and other commitments, but it is often the first thing people will try to cut out of their schedule. Usually socially receding makes me less happy than being tired does, so I try to devote at least some time to my friends and family. In turn, sleep is typically what I will sacrifice to make the most out of the time I have.

During the summer, I work a lot of nights and do not get home until about 10 pm. After I get settled, eat, and prepare for bed it’s after midnight. I wake up at around 8 am every morning to go to the gym, do homework, run errands, and get ready to leave for work by 1:30 pm. That gives me close to 8 hours of sleep tonight, which is my goal. However, during school I was able to wake up much later and go to bed as early as I wanted. With the schedule I have now, I can never “catch up” on sleep if I have a late night or early morning. I never really have problems sleeping through the night because I am so tired and physically worn down at the end of a late shift. The amount of time I spend working is just a little less time than I think I spend doing homework in a week during the school year. I depend on caffeine a lot, to the point where I get very bad headaches if I do not drink any coffee in the morning. I would like to be less dependent on caffeine and start drinking more water. These changes would make me feel more rested and alert, and probably more productive with how I spend my time during the day. I consider myself to have generally healthy sleep habits, though I would like to be able to go to sleep earlier or sleep in later some days when I need to catch up.

Chapter 3: First Impression Post

--Original published at KatieMillerPSY105

For this first impression post, I chose to talk about my own personal sleeping habits. I know that I do not nearly get as much sleep as I should. In high school, I was playing sports year-round. Whether it was three-a-day field hockey sessions all day or early morning lacrosse practices, I was not getting to bed at a time that I know is recommended. After sports games and practices, I would then have to come home and do my homework. Typically, I would work on homework for about an hour to three hours a night. Between the hectic schedule of ending late night games, eating dinner, and finishing homework, there were nights I would not get to bed until midnight or later. After a late night, I would then have to wake up around six in the morning. I know that getting an average of six hours of sleep a night is not healthy for a student or someone who is doing exercises, but unfortunately that was how I had to manage to get through school with sports and other social events.


A realistic goal for me to have for amount of sleep would be about eight hours. To improve my sleeping habits, I could start to put down technology earlier. I know that being on a cell phone or computer can make it harder for you to fall asleep, so cutting back on nighttime technology use could help me get to sleep faster. Another habit I could improve is sticking to a bedtime routine. I could start to come up with a routine in the nighttime to wind down and get myself ready for bed. Finally, I could make a schedule of when to go to sleep and when to wake up. This could help me to get a regulated night of sleep and actually stay asleep through the night. There are more than likely other habits I could improve on, but these are the most realistic for myself to follow through.

Chapter 8: First Impression Post

--Original published at KatieMillerPSY105

For this first impression post, I chose to discuss how all memories are not created equal. I can attest to this from personal experience. There are times where I can remember things from years past, but when it comes to things like what happened two or three weeks ago, it becomes difficult to recall events. The example used was that people remember exactly what they were doing on the day of 9/11. Since I was only one year old, I do not have a memory of the tragic events. One event that I remember distinctly was when Hurricane Arthur hit in 2014. My family and I were on vacation with three other families in the Outer Banks when the hurricane started. We had to be evacuated due to the extreme conditions. I will remember that event “like it was yesterday”.


I think that memories become stronger due to the personal connection we have to the event. The more emotions we have about the occasion, the more likely we are to have this strong memory. These emotions can be positive or negative as well, such as stressful, scary, happy, or surprising. To test this theory, we will pull out a certain event during the subject’s lifetime. Once asked about the event, we would determine how well they know the specifics of it. If they can describe very little details, we will do brain imaging to see what the emotions look like in their brain. If they remember many details of the event, we will also do brain imaging to see what emotional attachment there is to the occasion. Once we see the results, we can determine if emotion factors into how strongly we remember something.

Spotlight Blog 1 Prompts

Regardless of which option you choose, make sure to use the tag “Spotlight” on your post. Also include the tag listed for the option you choose below.

Option 1 – Use the tag “Development”

As divorce has become more and more common in the US, the number of children affected by divorce has increased greatly. The effects of divorce on children are controversial and there are a number of opinions out there on just what is “best” for kids. If you select this option, I want you to find two credible sources that argue divorce is inherently harmful to children and two credible sources that argue children can come through a divorce without serious consequences. Make sure to assess the arguments and supporting data presented in each source, explain what makes the source credible, and state which side of the issue you think is correct based on your reading. Make sure to list all sources at the end of your post.

Option 2 – Use the tag “Learning”

The idea of learning styles has become very popular over the last 20 years. There are tests that claim to identify what type of learner you are so you can customize your learning and studying to maximize your retention. Educators have increasingly been asked to cater their teaching to be more inclusive of learning styles as students have been labeled as visual, auditory, kinesthetic, or other types of learners. While there are many proponents of this approach to education, there are also many people arguing this focus on one type of learning for students is problematic and potentially harmful. If you select this option, I want you to find two credible sources that argue learning styles are important to pay attention to and two credible sources that argue learning styles are a myth. Make sure to assess the arguments and supporting data presented in each source, explain what makes the source credible, and state which side of the issue you think is correct based on your reading. Make sure to list all sources at the end of your post.

I look forward to seeing what you write!

Header image: CC by Flickr user Thomas Hawk

Ch 8: First Impression Post

--Original published at Kirsten's Kreations

My study habits are usually a little different. When I study, it is different based on which class I am studying for. I will use index cards for classes I have to memorize definitions or dates like a history class. For classes that have open note and book tests, I will spend time sticking post-it notes on pages I know I will need as well as reading over the material once or twice. Adapting my study habits to what the class requires of me to know for the test is one thing I tend to do well. The one thing I do that needs improvement is having noise when I study. I grew up in a house where quiet is nonexistent unless its nighttime and everyone is asleep but even then the cats bell on his collar jingles as he wanders around stiring up trouble. Because of this, I tend to listen to music or have a show I’ve seen a thousand times run on Netflix in the background because it is comforting. To fix the needing of noise so I don’t have Netflix playing, I should start to listen to classical music at a low volume when I study or to get myself used to silence because certain noises can be distracting now matter how often I have heard it.

When it came to studying for the first test I read the chapters and made my own notes on them. Then I listened to the lectures and wrote notes on them too. A day or two before the test I was reading over all my notes at work and home to make sure I understood everything. For the second test, I’m going to make a few changes. I am using the study guides to highlight the topics I need to keep in mind. I also am utilizing the lecture slides to make my notes on there rather than handwriting it all because handwriting everything is time consuming. I will continue to write my own notes with the reading as well as highlight the definitions I need to know.

Chapter 3 First Impression Prompts – Consciousness

Hand writing on a notebook


Here are the  prompts for this week.

For the following posts, use the tag “Drugs”:

Option 1:

Recently, several states have legalized recreational use of marijuana and even more are considering it. This has lead to both celebration and condemnation depending on who you ask. Medicinal use of marijuana is still controversial as well. In your blog post, take a position on both medical and recreational use of marijuana. Should they be legal or not? Make sure to point out pros and cons to both arguments.

Option 2:

When it comes to treating addiction, two prominent approaches are the abstinence model and the harm reduction model. Most people are more familiar with the abstinence model, which seeks to completely eliminate all use of the problematic substance and prioritizes sobriety (an example would be 12-step programs like AA). The harm reduction model prioritizes things differently, in that the primary concern is preventing negative consequences of substance use (an example would be needle-swapping programs that provide clean needles for drug users to prevent the spread of diseases like HIV and Hepatitis). This is an over-simplification of the models, but you can find a little more background on each approach here. Which approach seems like the better idea to you? Explain which you would recommend if a loved one needed help with an addiction.

For the following posts, use the tag “Sleep”:

Option 3:

In this TED talk, Russell Foster outlines 3 prominent theories about why we sleep. Watch the talk and argue for the theory you find the most convincing. Make sure to explain your thoughts about the credibility of each of the three theories.

Option 4:

College students are often heavily sleep deprived as they sacrifice sleep in order to study, work, and/or have a social life in addition to their academic commitments. Assess your current sleep habits and how healthy you think they are. What is a realistic goal for amount of sleep per night for a college student and how can you improve your sleep habits?

I look forward to seeing what you write!

Header image: CC by Flickr user Caitlinator