
--Original published at Miguel's College Blog

Good afternoon, my name is Miguel DeCastro and I am a Sophomore Biology/Pre-med student. Taking this class was inevitable for my major, however, I think that the study of Psychology is interesting. This would be the first Psychology course in my student career. Hopefully through other courses I have taken and topics I have learned prior will aid me in grasping the concepts taught this semester.

When I hear Psychology, I clearly hear an automated voice telling me, “the science of the mind.” I am not exactly sure if what I hear is correct, but that is what first comes to mind.   Three topics I am interested in learning about is: Psychology Then & Now, The Brain, and Why Do We Forget? I would say I am pretty interested in learning about how medical and psychological practices have evolved over the years and why some practices have yet to evolve so learning about those said practices should be interesting to learn about. I have a vague recollection of information I have learned about the brain so learning more about the brain piques my interest. Honestly, I am interested in learning why we forget things because if I had a superpower it would be forgetting information. Learning about the reasoning behind that could help me find ways to remember information. Learning about Addiction, Mechanics of Sleep, and Emotion I find a small degree less interesting than the rest but that is just from initial judgement and I could actually enjoy those topics as well.

I have done a previous high school project on some famous serial killers and my question that I want to know if there is an answer to is: what is happening in a serial killer’s head that makes them commit their acts?