First Impression: Chapter 4

--Original published at jennacampanellipsych

Parenting may be the most important job in the world. Their child’s fate is in their hands, they can either ruin or make his/her’s life great. Some parents are very strict, not letting their child see friends, leave the house, or make any decisions for themselves. I do not think this is the right way to raise a child, once they grow up it is most likely they will start rebelling and lying to their parents since they were not allowed to do anything earlier. Yet, you cannot raise your child too leniently either. When you do not give a child rules and boundaries they will not be prepared for adult life and may not be responsible. I think the best parenting is somewhere in-between these styles of parenting. The biggest thing in a healthy and happy relationship between parents and children is trust. If you both do not trust each other there is no way to have a good relationship. Parents should set boundaries but also understand that kids need to be kids sometimes and make mistakes. It is important that parents are teaching children good values by example, you can tell a child to be a good person over and over again but if you are not following through and being good and kind yourself the child will never learn. Children pick up on every action, if you are not careful you could have your child imitating your bad habits or behaviors. Trying to raise a good person who is helpful, kind, and a good addition to society is hard, but it is the most rewarding thing if you can achieve it.

First Impression- Mythbusters

--Original published at jennacampanellipsych

For this first impression I chose to critique a Mythbusters video, Cell phone vs Drunk driving. In this video they try to find out which is really more dangerous- talking on the cell phone while drinking or driving under the influence of alcohol. They decided to test this by doing three trials in a car with a driving instructor. They did these trials in a parking lot and not on a road, which was one of the strengths. Doing this made it not dangerous for any other drivers. First they drove through the course without the cellphone or alcohol. I thought this was a strength because they got to get used to the tasks they would be doing without any distractions. Next, they did a trial while on a cellphone call. They had another person on the other side of the phone giving them things to repeat back to them and asking questions. I thought that the way they went about this trial was a weakness. It was not realistic to be doing that on the phone, even though phone calls are distracting while driving. The last trial they did was driving under the influence. They drank then got behind the wheel. The problem with this is everyone reacts to alcohol differently, so you can not make a broad assumption based on three people’s reactions to it. They should of had a bigger test group for all of this so they could of seen all sorts of different people’s reactions before saying one thing is worse than the other. Overall, I think it was creative way to try this and it did show a lot about how people react while driving under the influence and on the phone, but you can not infer that this is the 100% truth based on just this experiment.


--Original published at jennacampanellipsych

I am Jenna Campanelli and I am freshman majoring in Early Education. I chose to take this class because understanding psychology helps so much with teaching. Knowing how the brain works and how things that happen to you at a young age effect the person you become later in life. I took a psychology class senior year in high school and it was by far my favorite class from my 4 years there. It was so interesting and you really got to have a deeper understanding because psychology is all around us. When I hear the word “psychology” I think of the mind, behavior, and our conscious/unconscious thoughts effecting our day to day lives. Looking at the syllabus the 3 most interesting topics to me are conditioning, addiction,  and personality. The least interesting to me are the brain, sleep, and medication. One question about psychology that I would like to be answered by the end of this class is- which is more important, nature or nurture?