Ch. 3 First Impression–Drugs

--Original published at Garrettscollegeblog

The idea of treating an addiction always sounds easier than it proves. Letting go of something that provides relief from stress, happiness, or just an escape grows in difficulty each day of the addiction. For years people have tried to pinpoint approaches to treat and, in some cases, eventually overcome addiction. In todays age two approaches reign, the abstinence model and the harm reduction model. The abstinence model aims to, over time, completely eliminate the addiction from the person’s life. The harm reduction model, however, aims to reduce or erase as a whole the negative side effects of what the person is addicted to; such as drug replacement therapy.

In an ideal world, the abstinence model takes precedence. Although the idea that everyone with an addiction has the strength to begin letting go proves extremely hopeful. In my opinion, the harm reduction model is much more realistic and assists more in the long run. This model focuses much more on the safety of the person. It keeps the person safe until they as an individual are ready to overcome and defeat the addiction. The only way an addiction can be overcome develops from the individual’s promptness to the goal. Many times an individual is forced into an abstinence model, which can lead to a relapse back into the unsafe addiction. With the harm reduction model, the person is offered a safe alternative or a safer means of satisfying their addiction until they feel ready to enter into the abstinence model. Another advantage of the harm reduction model is if a relapse occurs, the safe alternative or safer means remains engrained in the addiction itself, keeping the individual safe through the time of the relapse.

I would definitely suggest the harm reduction model to a loved one suffering from addiction. I know that no matter what I say or do, the decision to overcome addiction has to come from them and not me. With this model I know that the loved one is safe until they decide for themselves the time to defeat their addiction.

Chapter 3 Drugs – First Impression Post: Option 1

--Original published at Rachel Bickelman's PSY 105 Blog

There should be legalization of both medicinal and recreational marijuana. By making medicinal marijuana legal, patients who suffer from chronic pain or loss of appetite could have another treatment option. Additionally, in some research trials medical marijuana has shown to alleviate nausea and even said to be a more natural and safer route of medication. Finally, marijuana comes in many forms and thus it does not need to be smoked to used, it can be used in both edible and oil forms which vary in potency. Unfortunately, medical marijuana has not been heavily researched meaning the exact long-term effects for treatment in certain diseases are unknown. Marijuana also alters one’s state of mind and cognitive functions. Since cognitive function would decrease, danger to others could occurs through accidents for the brain able to function at its best.

Pros of the legalization of recreational marijuana would mean those arrested for possession of marijuana could be released from jail and return to society. Thus, less taxes would go to jail people convicted of this crime would not be overflowing the prison system. Possibly by legalizing marijuana, it would not be seen as a gateway drug and thus not lead to more dangerous drugs such as opioids. Since there is an interest in marijuana, it could also aid the economy through the law of supply and demand. Despite this, legalizing marijuana could lead to other addictive drugs or begin a pattern of addiction and abuse of other substances. Again, marijuana alter one’s cognitive processing and the risk of accidents could become similar to the danger of alcohol and issue of drunk driving.

Both the legalization and ban of medicinal and recreational marijuana make compelling arguments.

First Impression Chapter 3

--Original published at Marlee's Psych 105 Blog

There are multiple advantages and disadvantages to the use of marijuana. This is what has created the giant controversy over the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana. With the effects of medical marijuana being so positive it has lead the general public to believe that recreational marijuana has the same effects. People that have prescriptions for medical marijuana use it for pain relief or to relieve some of their already existing symptoms. Those who use recreational marijuana use it to the “high” or “buzz” that they feel once marijuana is consumed.

Medical marijuana provides many benefits such as pain control, especially in patients experiencing multiple sclerosis. It can also help reduce symptoms of PTDS and also promote weight loss. It is also given as a prescription meaning that you are given a particular amount so that you will not develop a tolerance to the drug. Many patients that receive treatment through medical marijuana are sometimes seen as “Potheads” or look down on due to the taboo associated with marijuana.

Recreational marijuana is a completely different story. Those who smoke recreationally use it because they ae chasing a high. I feel that if someone is using marijuana just for the reason alone they are abusing its benefits. People who frequently smoke for recreation also develop a high tolerance to the drug meaning that they need to consume more and more each time to get the same high.

If recreational marijuana were to be legalized I feel as if some restriction to how much you can consume should be made. I also feel that it should be legalized so that it is not seen as taboo and that those who are truly in need of its benefits are not looked at in a different way.


Chapter 3 first Impression

--Original published at HarrysCollegeBlog

With many states arguing over the legality of Marijuana, I’ve decided to cover the topic and give my own thoughts on the subject. Marijuana being used in Medical procedures is a fairly good argument for its legality, although misuse of it can lead to addiction, which is never a good thing. The dosage given by the doctors needs to be nothing over the prescribes amount, although it only takes one time for someone to get addicted. Medical use of marijuana can lead to addiction with recreational usage of it. therefore, without a doctor’s prescription it should be impossible to obtain. The fundamental problem with Marijuana being either legal or illegal is to ignore the possibilities of medical treatment.I propose that Marijuana be obtainable only in medical situations.

Although there’s nothing wrong with recreational use of marijuana, the addiction to drugs has always been a problem. to limit addiction, the usage of such drugs should be limited to medical use, but then there’s the possibility of intentionally getting injured/diseased as to obtain more of it. We cannot have people spending their lives searching for Marijuana, or have them intentionally harming themselves to obtain it either. Its a tough subject, but the use of it only in medical fields seems to be the better choice.

Chapter 3-Prompt 1

--Original published at Bailey PSY 105 Blog

In my opinion, use of both recreational and medicinal marijuana should be legal. Medicinal marijuana contains different proportions of THC and CBD than recreational marijuana. Medicinal marijuana allows for the pain relief offered by CBD with little to none of the ‘high’ provided by THC. Medicinal marijuana has been proven to provide pain and nausea relief for cancer patients, as well as reducing muscle spasms and increasing appetite in those with conditions such as cancer, HIV, and AIDS. Personally, my family uses CBD oil to help keep my dog’s epilepsy under control, and we have seen a marked difference in her appetite and the frequency and severity of her seizures. In places that medical cannabis has been legalized, people have an opportunity to obtain a medical marijuana card that allows them to purchase any number of cannabis products from dispensaries. I also believe that the legalization of medical marijuana could offer a solution to the opioid epidemic in America right now. Cannabis has had no proven long-term adverse effects on the user, unlike alternate pain relief medications such as Percocet or Vicodin. The cons to legalizing medical marijuana are nobody really knows yet if medical cannabis is safe for long term (or short term for that matter) use, and that young people with medical marijuana cards are more susceptible to side effects and potential addiction later on in life. It is also a concern that people will unnecessarily acquire a medical marijuana card in order to get around the system and use the product for recreational use. I believe however the pros far outweigh the cons, and benefits such as pain and nausea relief, enhanced appetite, helping with PTSD, and creating more jobs within the community are worth more than the minimal risks.

I believe that recreational marijuana should be legalized as well. There are many people that believe that marijuana is a gateway drug and has a high potential to be used and abused illegally, and that if it were to be made legal the situation would only get worse. After living in Colorado for six years, it is my opinion (and the opinion of many in the Colorado community) that the legalization of marijuana truly doesn’t hurt anyone. Marijuana is a relaxant, and unlike a hallucinogenic like LSD or peyote, does not cause the typical user to lose control of themselves and have manic episodes. Although tasks such as driving a car could be far more dangerous under the influence of marijuana, I argue that it’s affects are no more harmful than those of alcohol and in some cases poses even less of a risk. I believe that marijuana should be legalized everywhere in the United States for those above 21.

1st Impression on Drugs

--Original published at Sydney’s Side

The medical use of marijuana seems more beneficial than harmful if health care providers are actually writing prescriptions for it. With any drug, there are always side effects. For example, ibuprofen is harmful to your liver if you take too much of it but that doesn’t stop some people from popping them like candy. Some negative side effects are that it makes people act differently, if there are individuals using marijuana to stop seizures for example, they would act differently all the time. Additionally, there is a risk of addiction because it is a drug, I’m not saying ‘it’s the gateway drug’ or anything but any drug runs the risk of causing addiction. My point is, medical professionals are trained to weigh out the risky side effects of drugs but they will always do what is in the best interest of the patient, therefore medical marijuana should be legal.

As for recreational marijuana, I have heard many debates over this topic but I am leaning toward the legalization side. The problems with this are the same problems that would happen with medical marijuana but in this case, the people using it don’t need to have it to help their health. There is no medical benefit in this case so it could be compared to the effects of alcohol. On the positive side, it would get rid of the people illegally selling marijuana and the government could tax it and make money off of it. It would also decrease the amount of people arrested for selling it and save money that way. If alcohol is legal and regulated, what is the big difference between the two?

First Impression Ch.3 (Option 1)

--Original published at Gracie's Blog

There are several pros as well as cons when deciding whether marijuana should be legal or not. There is a difference when talking about recreational marijuana and marijuana used for medical purposes. Medical marijuana actually possesses healing effects while recreational marijuana can be dangerous. In my opinion, medical marijuana should be legal because in many instances marijuana can benefit people who are sick. Years ago, my aunt had cancer and flew to Mexico in order to use medical marijuana. The medicine decreased her nausea and helped relieve pain, she was also given a certain dosage which controlled the amount she took. The medical marijuana also was said to help decrease the growth of cancer cells, which is amazing. Another pro of legalizing medical marijuana is if the doctor has no other options to treat an illness, the sick patient does not need to be sent on a plane to receive the treatment needed. Recreational marijuana can cause danger, and there are other ways to have a good time. Marijuana used for the wrong reasons can do more harm than good. Using marijuana for enjoyment can lead to increased heart rate, panic attacks, and impaired cognition (Source ). There are long term effects from using marijuana, which include mood swings, memory loss, lung infections, and more (Source) . The point is, marijuana is a drug and for people to use it recreationally deaths could be the result and it could negatively impact futures. The hard part is if we legalize medical marijuana, marijuana for recreational purposes will be easier to get access to. Overall, I believe medical marijuana should be legalized for helpful purposes while recreational marijuana does more harm than good.

Source used:

Drugs First Impression

--Original published at Caroline's Blog

The legalization of recreational marijuana has become a very popular topic of discussion. With medical marijuana being legalized and providing relief for patients using it, the general public wants to be able to use this drug to reach a high and be at peace with their bodies and minds. However, I believe that the legalization of recreational marijuana would not be beneficial for anyone. Medical marijuana is very beneficial for people with chronic illnesses that have shown little to no improvement after other treatments, and I believe that it should stay this way. Allowing the average person to use this drug could lead to them to thinking it provides some sort of relief for a non-existent problem. Eventually, this could lead to addiction which may cause even greater medical and mental illnesses for the rest of their lives. On the other hand, having recreational use of this drug legalized could make marijuana less of a taboo. People who are using the drug for medical purposes may feel uncomfortable talking about this treatment due to the negative connotation behind the drug. The number of criminals in the system who are in jail due to use of this drug and solely this would be minimized, and authoritative figures could focus on other major criminals and problems in society that are far more serious. I believe that legalizing this drug could potentially help out society as a whole however, it could ultimately ruin the personal lives of those individuals yearning to reach a new high.

Chapter 3: Drugs

--Original published at Tyler's Ideas

While dealing with addiction, there are two different approaches one may choose. The abstinence model looks to diminish the addiction and promotes obriety as the goal. This model uses programs such as AA to aid in the process. Another model that could possibly be used is the harm reduction model. This model, instead of eliminating the addiction, attempts to prevent harmful effects and presents a safer way to continue the addiction. An example of this are clean needle programs who attempt to prevent further spreading of diseases.

Personally, I believe that the better approach would be the abstinence model and I would recommend this approach to a loved one needing help with an addiction. I believe this is the better approach because unlike the harm reduction model, it diminishes the addiction and promotes sobriety. While I believe the harm reduction model may be helpful to some, if the goal is to be free of the addiction, this model will not do much. This model just helps the addicted person be safer about their addiction, rather than shrinking it. I think that when handling addiction, the best route is sobriety. Through the abstinence model, most organizations will suggest a 12-step program. Within this program, an addicted person not only find sobriety, but also makes amends with those who may have been harmed by the addiction. I truly believe that this is the best way when best with addiction and if approached by a loved one, I would recommend the abstinence method.

1st Impression Post-Chapter 3

--Original published at RachelsCollegeBlog

My stance in marijuana is, if it is for a medical reason it is okay to be legal. However, for recreational use, that I do not think should be legal.

Medical marijuana can help to put people out of their misery or to help them control their disease so that it is less invasive of their lives and they are able to live a better. Marijuana that is prescribed medically is normally to help those that are in pain. This can include those that get frequent and terrible headaches or even those that have a cancer and their disease is causing them pain. These are times that prescribing medical marijuana is okay and should be legal. It is being prescribed to help those that are in pain and are suffering. The positive to medical marijuana is that those who are in pain, there amount of pain decreases and they are able to live a fuller, happier life. However, a negative to medical marijuana is that it could decrease the intellectual functions, like memories, they could also start to become less interested in the things that they loved so much in the past. Therefore, even though their pain will be decreasing there will to do the things that they love or things that they find interesting.

Recreational marijuana, however, should not be legal. People that are using marijuana for fun are people who should not have it. It can cause those using it to be dependent on it. It can also cause hallucinations as well as health risks to those who do not need it. Those who are given medical marijuana are given a certain amount, allowing them to control their usage of the amount. When it is used in a recreational way, they are free to use as much as they want, and this can lead to dangerous behaviors and health risks as it is known to cause shallow breathing. Though a positive to those using it, it is a chance for those who are social awkward to have a chance to fit in and be more outgoing. However, the negatives seem to outweigh the positives as it has a possibility of causing some serious health side effects.

Therefore, my opinion is marijuana should be legal if it is for medical reasons not for recreational usage.