Johari Window Reflection

--Original published at Sydney’s Side

While picking my own characteristics I chose relaxed, accepting, happy, organized, and friendly. Of those five, the only one that was not chosen by other people was relaxed. Which makes sense because the only time a truly relax is when I’m by myself. There were a variety of characteristics in my blind spot but they were somewhat similar to the traits I picked for myself.

This measure of personality was somewhat accurate but I feel as if it is too general. Some people may only put the traits to be nice but not to be specific. Additionally, unconsciously I may have picked characteristics that would make me look different than what I want other people to view me as. The individuals that responded to my window may have also been doing the same thing. In order to make it more accurate it could have been empirically keyed which means it would ask questions that do not directly relate to the question it is asking. Many of the people I asked to fill out the johari window were my friends and family which makes them all biased about me. If I had asked people that may not like me, I would have gotten different answers most likely.

Some characteristics that were in my blind spot included bold, calm, caring, independent, patient, and able. The traits that most people picked were dependable, intelligent, kind, and trustworthy. These results did not teach me much about myself because they were similar to the traits I picked for myself.

Johari Window Bonus Blog Prompt

Hand writing on a notebook

As part of our exploration of personality, each of you completed an online Johari Window. This process helps you learn how similar your self-perceptions are to how others see you. For this bonus blog post, I want you to discuss what that process was like for you, how similar your self-description was to what others selected, how valid of a measure of personality do you think this is, and what, if anything, you learned about yourself in this process. Include a link to your Johari window in your post. This bonus post is due Tuesday, 11/13, at 8pm and is worth 1.5 points of extra credit. The post must be at least 250 words long to receive credit. Be sure to use the tags “Bonus Posts” and “Personality.” I look forward to seeing what you write!

Header image: CC by Flickr user Caitlinator


Chapter 13 First Impression

--Original published at LivsCollegeBlog

Personality: we all have one. It is rather complex and confusing and can change throughout our lifetimes. Personality tests examine the behavioral style of an individual, therefore determining the type of personality one has. Before taking the personality tests, I was unaware of the type of personality I exemplified. After taking the tests, I overall had a personality type of ISTJ. I found this to be accurate because I am more introverted than extroverted (I), I focus more on the “here and now” rather than “what could be” (S), I make decisions based on logic rather than emotion (T), and I look for things to be more structured rather than open and flexible (J).

The first personality test was from This test broke down my results into percentages so that I could see which was more prominent in my personality. Based off these percentages, my personality is 19% introvert, 31% sensing, 44% thinking, and 38% judging. I found this test to be credible because it gave the same result as the other tests I took and also because it broke down my results into percentages.

The second test I took was from This test gave me the same result as the first test. After clicking to read more about my results, I found that I was placed in the “Trustee” category. This category says that Trustees are “Dependable pillars of strength. They make good bank examiners, auditors, accountants, and phys. ed. teachers, and boy or girl scouts! 6% of the total population.” I thought it was interesting to find out that only 6% of the population shared the same personality type as me. I found this source to be credible because it gave the same results as the first test and also because it was from a center that specializes in personality tests.

The third test was from This test was a form of the IPIP Big Five Personality Test. The Big Five Factors are Extroversion, Emotional Stability, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Intellect/Imagination. The results showed which percentile of each factor I was in. I scored in the 29th percentile of Extroversion, the 5th percentile of Emotional Stability, the 45th percentile of Agreeableness, the 57th percentile of Conscientiousness, and the 1st percentile of Intellect/Imagination. This test also gave descriptions of your personality based off of where you were in each factor. Because I scored rather low in Extroversion, I am considered a shut in rather than outgoing and social. I also scored low in the Emotional Stability factor so I have low emotional stability or high neuroticism or negative emotionality. I scored pretty high in agreeableness so I am considered friendly and optimistic rather than critical and aggressive. I also scored high in Conscientiousness so I careful and diligent rather than impulsive and disorganized. I scored low in Intellect/Imagination so I am considered traditional and conventional. I think this test is not that credible because it asked for the amount of friends I have on Facebook and it included a comment section from Facebook at the end of my results. The results were also supposed to contain a raw score as well as a percentile but I didn’t see a raw score anywhere. I would not advise using this website’s personality test.

The fourth personality test I took was from This one was unique compared to the other test I took. I have taken a lot of personality test, however, I have never taken a personality test like this one before so I was excited to see how it would turn out. When taking the test, I was confused how clicking on colors could determine my personality. The results from this test were also different than the other tests. This one didn’t give a specific type of personality that I had, but analyzed my traits instead. My results said I like to be in control of situations, I feel isolated form others and wish to overcome that feeling, I believe life has more to offer than what I’ve experienced so far, I quickly become an expert in anything I pursue, I am emotionally distant, I seek to be known for something I have accomplished and use my social abilities to win people over, I’m afraid others will try to hold me back from achieving what I want, and I long form the freedom to make my own decisions and plan without the criticism of others. I liked how this test analyzed my results more rather than just telling me my personality type. I do not find this source credible, however, because there are a ton of adds and it asks me to share my results to social media.

I was only asked to complete those 4 personality tests, however, I chose to do one more. In high school, I took AP Psychology and completed an array of personality test in that class as well. My favorite one was the Myers-Briggs personality test found on My results from this test were ISTJ, the same as the first two test I completed. This test places you in one of four personality types: analysts, diplomats, sentinels, or explorers. Each of these 4 personality types has 4 sublevels. I was placed in the mediator sublevel of diplomat. This website also gives a small section to read about your personality type, listing the strengths/weaknesses, career paths, other aspects of your personality, and tips for handling your personality type. I would highly recommend this personality test to anyone because not only does it list your personality type, it also accurately describes your personality and gives examples of famous people that share your personality.

Chapter 13 First Impression Post

--Original published at Psychology 105

Each personality test gave me a slightly different result. I found the HumanMetrics Jung Typology Test to be the most accurate regarding how I perceive my own personality. This test assigned me the personality type INFJ, which stands for introvert, intuitive, feeling, and judging. I definitely consider myself an introvert and tend to go with my gut feelings when making decisions. The test from the Personality Test Center said my Jungian personality type was ISFJ, which is clearly very similar to my other results. I believe that I prefer intuition to sensing, which is why I found the first test to be more accurate for me. I think the results varied due to how the questions were worded which chose me to pick one answer over the other. I trust these the most because I did some research and found that this test type has been significantly validated. The ColorQuiz seemed to also be accurate; however, picking the colors seemed kind of random so I was surprised any of the results seemed to describe me. Lastly, the IPIP Big Five Test also found me to be more on the introverted side with high agreeableness, imagination, and conscientiousness. Overall, I think the results seemed consistent across each test, and each had accurate points that I perceive when evaluating my own personality. It was hard to find any huge points with which I disagreed with in any one quiz, which I think helps validate the results.

Ch. 13 First Impression – Personality

--Original published at Gracie's Blog

People often times do not think about what type of personality they really have. We live every day, usually not realizing what we say to people, how we reaction, or what habits we have. I took four personality tests, and surprising they each gave similar results. I did not realize the different ways that can decipher what personality a person has. There are a variety of personality tests, mainly asking questions about what you would usually do during a certain scenario. Taking the color test to determine my personality was a first for me, but surprisingly the results given were pretty much accurate. The first personality tests that I took revealed that I was ISFJ. The” I” stands for introvert, the “S” stands for sensing, the “F” stands for feeling, and the “J” stands for judging. The color test I took showed results that were for the most part true. The results showed that I avoid confrontation which is true. On the other hand the results also said that I always want to be correct the voice my opinion, which is not always the case. I do not understand how the order of which colors were picked can influence my overall personality. The personality tests involving the questions and what I would do in certain instances were somewhat hard to understand. There were questions where I felt both options pertained to me and it was hard for me to choose one. For the first personality test, it was ranking what I felt for each instance. The middle option of the scale was, “I don’t know” and I used that as a medium level option on the scale. Overall, the results that I received were mostly correct, but I probably did not answer all of the questions the way I wanted to because I was not sure what they were asking. Personality tests are not a good way to determine people’s personalities because some days people react differently, and online tests do not show overall personality.

Persoanlity Tests:


Chapter 13 First Impression

--Original published at Wolfman Productions

I believe personality test can be helpful to define what type you are, but you can’t always rely on the results. The test from gave me a personality type of ESFP. It tells me I have more ability in my sensing than other attributes. This means I sense things more than using my intuition for my decisions. The other description of this type match me pretty well seeing that I enjoy being around people and making them feel good.

The test from gave me the typing of INFP. The first two letters don’t match in this description, but the last two do surprisingly. This site states that people with the INFP label are “Idealistic, self-sacrificing, and somewhat cool or reserved. They are very family and home oriented, and have a high capacity for caring. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 1% of the total population.” I can agree with some of this statement. I do see myself as self-sacrificing and also have a high capacity for caring. Those traits hit me because I will go out of my way to make sure others are feeling the best they can be and that means putting them over my own well-being.

The test from gave me a weird result that I’m not sure what to make of it. They give you five factors with a score surrounding them. The biggest factors I got where extroversion & agreeableness, and I agree with these finding. I do tend to go and talk to strangers I find friendly and can hold conversation with. If I don’t like the person I’m talking to, I politely thank them for their time and walk away hoping to not see them again. I can also agree with most people around me even if I don’t always agree with their stances. I respect their choices even if they don’t match up with mine.

The last test came from and gave me results I do agree with. I agree with this point they make ” Looking for friendly, pleasant relationships with others, who will further develop his intellect.” I’m always on the look-out for new friends who will test my knowledge on subjects I may not be the smartest in and vice versa. This point hits me hard as well, “Feels as if too many walls and obstacles are standing in his way and that he is being forced to make compromises. He needs to put his own needs on hold for the time being.” I feel like I put my needs first and sometimes it makes my needs seem less in comparison, but I know when to stop and worry about my own needs.

These tests do help get a lock on your traits, but I don’t fully trust them. It’s true they matched a lot of my personality traits, but there where points that have no connection to me and lessen how I use my actual traits. The best thing I can say is take these tests with a grain of salt and make sure to find yourself by learning and experiencing things around you rather than rely on the same old things you’ve seen/done for most of your life.

Chapter 13 First Impression

--Original published at Chey's Blog

So, the first test that I took was the Jung Typology Test. My result was ISTP. I am a 3% introvert, which apparently means that I have no preference of introversion over extroversion. I agree with that. I can be introverted or extroverted depending on my mood. I am 9% sensing, which means that I have a slight preference of sensing over intuition. I would say that is accurate. I try to look at the actual situation and not automatically go with my gut. I am 12% thinking, so I have a slight preference of thinking over feeling, also accurate. And lastly, I am 19% perceiving, which means I have a slight preference of perceiving over judging. I would like to think that is accurate, but I probably judge more than I realize. I do not know where the rest of the percentage points go, but I would say this test is pretty accurate in my opinion. I think that this test was pretty credible. It asked a wide range of questions to gather more information.

I took the Type Theory test next. I got the same results on this as I did on the first test, so that should be a good sign. My type is ISTP also known as “Artisan.” The description reads, “Action-oriented and fearless, and crave excitement. They like tools, and instruments and often become technical experts. 5% of the total population.” I think that this test is mostly credible. The results were not very detailed.

The third test that I took was the Big Five Personality Traits test. My result was that I was a part of factor one which was extroversion. I am apparently outgoing and social. I would say that I agree with that to an extent. I do like to have my alone time and I will not be the one to make plans more often than not. This test does not seem very credible to me. The questions were not very in depth at all.

The last test that I took was the color quiz. Picking colors and learning about my personality from that does not seem very credible to me. According to my results I am very social and require daily social interaction. I would agree with that. I am also apparently to critical and am constantly worried about being manipulated or tricked. I would say that is accurate. If you get hurt enough you are critical of every relationship you have with anyone. It said that I am emotionally involved in relationships, which I also agree with. I think this test is pretty accurate, but I would question its credibility.

Chapter 13 First Impression

--Original published at HarrysCollegeBlog

Characterizing human behaviors into personalities can seem simple on the surface, but aren’t as accurate as we’d like them to be. Nothing can come close to real human behavior, but it can get into a range that lets us generalize them into categories. These 4 personality quizzes we took all did this to some degree, some better than others. For the sake of simplicity, all of the quizzes put me in INTP, which is a fairly accurate description of my personality type, being introverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. I also will be talking about them in order as they appeared on the assignment page at Dr. Macfarlane’s website.

The first Personality quiz was set in a format where it would ask you a question, and you had to pick how often you did said question on a scale from very likely, to not very likely. This one I Liked a lot, considering it took into question how often you performed such actions, and how likely you were to do them. It really shone in that area, and even gave a percentage of how much of that personality type you were.

The second personality test had a multiple choice style for the questions, although compared to the others, it was quite inaccurate. It only had 2 answers per question, and didn’t seem to capture the depth to a human’s character, given the lack of freedom of choice, and having to decide between two options. The results screen also had a lack of reasoning as to why i was that personality type, no percentages like the last one, just the result.

The third one was very similar, with the same basic idea of the questions being asked, and 5 selections on a range from not very likely, to very likely. Although this one had a lot less answers to fill in, which made it a lot more convenient, since it took less time out of my day to get my result. what was interesting was that it put up after submitting, before you got your results, it would ask if you wanted your results to be used in a study, and if you were willing to answer a few questions for the study’s sake. It had no effect on it, but it seemed that the creators took our privacy into thought when making it. The result screen was also very detailed, giving exact stats, Factors, a graph, and the score percentile. A lot of work was put into this short quiz, and you can tell when taking it as well.

The final Quiz was perplexing, it gave only a single question at the beginning, asking what your sex was, before going into a test with 8 color boxes on the screen, telling you to click on them all, and the question after asking you to replicate that same process. It then gave a detailed explanation based off which colors I chose, the order I chose them in. surprisingly enough, despite me choosing 2 and clicking randomly, it was able to pinpoint my personality, and even my strengths and weaknesses, preferences, and objectives. it perplexed me to see how something as simple as color could offer so much insight into my personality. Or this might just be a coincidence that I happened to land on the combination that lead to this result, im honestly not sure with this test, not as straight forward in how you took it.

The quizzes gave me an overall good luck into my own personality, me being relatively quiet, shy, detail-focused and trusting to a fault. Demanding reciprocal loyalty and honesty, while being overall bad in crowds, needing to take time to myself in peaceful environments. all 4 tests were able to get these basic ideas of my personality, some better than others, and in simpler, more perplexing ways.

Ch 13 – Personality

--Original published at AlyssaM

The first test, I feel did not accurately describe me. It said I was Introvert 41%, Sensing 6%, Feeling 38%, and Judging 3%. I feel it didn’t really reflect my personality to the fullest it is. It hardly had any details as to who I am. On top of that, I wouldn’t say it is that credible. For one the choices were, “YES, yes, uncertain, no, NO” how are we supposed to know what yes means compared to YES. Also a lot of the questions were odd and not personality related.

The second test, was pretty accurate in getting my personality as it is. It said I was INFP or “Questor”. The different traits listed underneath fit me well. However, the test itself is not that credible because there are only two choices for each question, there is no in between you are either one or the other.

The third test, was mostly close with describing my personality, although some parts were the opposite of others. It was more credible that the previous sources and had more options and the website was completed more by researchers than the others probably were.

Surprisingly, the fourth color test actually was good at getting my personality. Although, I would not say it is that credible. For one it only had two questions. Secondly, the questions were only selecting colors. It never states what colors have to do with it and how they can get the results based off of preference. On top of that, it does not take in the possibility that the test taker may be colorblind and if they are, how can it be accurate?

Chapter 13 First Impression Post

--Original published at Zachs College Blog

After taking the Jung Typology Test, I scored ESFJ which means 31% extravert over introversion, 9% sensing over intuition, 31% feeling over thinking and 3% judging over perceiving. I think this accurately describes my personality with the percentages i was given after answering the set of questions. Overall I believe the test was somewhat credible as it asked a few questions that did not apply to me personally or were too hard to understand. The test was created based off of Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers personality type theory so it must be based off a credible source. The next test or the type theory test was a questionnaire that asked 68 questions based on many different emotional and personality related questions. After taking the test, my Jungian Personality type was ENFJ which can be described as a great leader that strives to see other people succeed. This personality type matches with about 5% of the totally population. I feel like this test also gave an accurate description of my personality type. This test seems to be as credible as the last one as one negative point on this test is that a few words in the questions were misspelled. Although, this test provided people with a paragraph describing the personality type which you were given unlike the first test we took which only gave a few words. The third test was the IPIP Big-Five Factor Marker which measured the. 5 personality traits. The five personality categories described in this test are extroversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, imagination. my results for the five categories were 70% for extroversion or being outgoing/social, 52% emotional stability or negative emotionality, 67% agreeableness or someone who is friendly and optimistic, 62% conscientiousness or someone who is careful, and lastly 28% intellect/imagination. This test seems to be not as reliable as the past 2 tests as this test does not give a great description of what the 5 personality traits were. Also, my results were not as accurate as the past 2 tests. The last test I took is the color test which asked you to rank how each color made you feel. My results of the test were based off of 6 main topics which includes my existing situation, stress sources, restrained characteristics, desired objective, actual problem 1 & 2. This source seems to be very credible as it stated in the introduction that this test is used worldwide and that it has been given to thousands of people around the world.